オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Constantine Yannelis詳細
一般公開: 4 件
Does climate change affect real estate prices? Only if you believe in it
M Baldauf, L Garlappi, C Yannelis
The Review of Financial Studies 33 (3), 1256-1295, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research …
Owner incentives and performance in healthcare: Private equity investment in nursing homes
A Gupta, ST Howell, C Yannelis, A Gupta
The Review of Financial Studies 37 (4), 1029-1077, 2024
委任: Arnold Ventures LLC
Epidemic responses under uncertainty
M Barnett, G Buchak, C Yannelis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (2), e2208111120, 2023
委任: US National Science Foundation
Loan Forgiveness, Financial Aid, and College Recruitment Strategies
S Earnest, G Osipycheva, C Yannelis
Financial Aid, and College Recruitment Strategies (August 30, 2023), 2023
委任: Arnold Ventures LLC
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