Mahesh Joshi
Intellectual capital and financial performance: an evaluation of the Australian financial sector
M Joshi, D Cahill, J Sidhu, M Kansal
Journal of intellectual capital 14 (2), 264-285, 2013
Determinants of corporate social responsibility disclosures: Evidence from India
M Kansal, M Joshi, GS Batra
Advances in accounting 30 (1), 217-229, 2014
Intellectual capital performance in the banking sector: An assessment of Australian owned banks
M Joshi, D Cahill, J Sidhu
Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting 14 (2), 151-170, 2010
Integrated reporting in South Africa: some initial evidence
N Setia, S Abhayawansa, M Joshi, AV Huynh
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 6 (3), 397-424, 2015
Green intellectual capital and ambidextrous green innovation: The impact on environmental performance
K Asiaei, NG O'Connor, O Barani, M Joshi
Business Strategy and the Environment 32 (1), 369-386, 2023
The impact of lease capitalisation on financial statements and key ratios: Evidence from Australia
K Wong, M Joshi
Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 9 (3), 2015
Measuring intellectual capital performance of Indian banks: A public and private sector comparison
S Singh, J Sidhu, M Joshi, M Kansal
Managerial Finance 42 (7), 635-655, 2016
Reporting of corporate social responsibility in central public sector enterprises: A study of post mandatory regime in India
M Kansal, M Joshi, S Babu, S Sharma
Journal of Business Ethics 151, 813-831, 2018
IFRS adoption challenges in developing economies: an Indian perspective
S Sharma, M Joshi, M Kansal
Managerial Auditing Journal 32 (4/5), 406-426, 2017
New paradigms in the teaching and learning of accounting: Use of educational blogs for reflective thinking
M Joshi, R Chugh
International Journal of education and development using ICT 5 (3), 6-18, 2009
Intellectual capital disclosures by Indian and Australian information technology companies: A comparative analysis
M Joshi, D Singh Ubha, J Sidhu
Journal of Intellectual Capital 13 (4), 582-598, 2012
IFRS adoption in ASEAN countries: Perceptions of professional accountants from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia
M Joshi, PWS Yapa, D Kraal
International Journal of Managerial Finance 12 (2), 211-240, 2016
Intellectual capital disclosures: the search for a new paradigm in financial reporting by the knowledge sector of Indian economy
M Joshi, DS Ubha
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 7 (5), pp575‑582-pp575‑582, 2009
ChatGPT in higher education-a synthesis of the literature and a future research agenda
PS Bhullar, M Joshi, R Chugh
Education and Information Technologies 29 (16), 21501-21522, 2024
New development: Corporate philanthropy to mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR)—A new law for India
A Jain, M Kansal, M Joshi
Public Money & Management 41 (3), 276-278, 2021
What influences the willingness of Vietnamese accountants to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by 2025?
D Phan, M Joshi, B Mascitelli
Asian Review of Accounting 26 (2), 225-247, 2018
Reporting human resources in annual reports: An empirical evidence from top Indian companies
M Kansal, M Joshi
Asian Review of Accounting 23 (3), 256-274, 2015
Perceptions of investors and stockbrokers on corporate social responsibility: a stakeholder perspective from India
M Kansal, M Joshi
Knowledge and Process Management 21 (3), 167-176, 2014
Lessons from leveraging technology in auditing during COVID-19: an emerging economy perspective
N Sharma, G Sharma, M Joshi, S Sharma
Managerial Auditing Journal 37 (7), 869-885, 2022
Reporting intellectual capital in annual reports from Australian S/W & I/T companies
M Joshi, DS Ubha, J Sidhu
Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, 2010
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