Wim J.C. Verhagen
Wim J.C. Verhagen
Associate Professor, RMIT University
確認したメール アドレス: rmit.edu.au - ホームページ
A critical review of Knowledge-Based Engineering: An identification of research challenges
WJC Verhagen, P Bermell-Garcia, REC Van Dijk, R Curran
Advanced Engineering Informatics 26 (1), 5-15, 2012
Concurrent engineering in the 21st century
J Stjepandić, N Wognum, WJC Verhagen
Foundations, developments and challenges. Springer, 2015
Transdisciplinary systems engineering: implications, challenges and research agenda
N Wognum, C Bil, F Elgh, M Peruzzini, J Stjepandić, WJC Verhagen
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 12 (1), 58-89, 2019
A multidisciplinary implementation methodology for knowledge based engineering: KNOMAD
R Curran, WJC Verhagen, MJL Van Tooren, TH Van Der Laan
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (11), 7336-7350, 2010
A systematic methodology for Prognostic and Health Management system architecture definition
R Li, WJC Verhagen, R Curran
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 193, 106598, 2020
Predictive maintenance for aircraft components using proportional hazard models
WJC Verhagen, LWM De Boer
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 12, 23-30, 2018
A novel decision support system for optimizing aircraft maintenance check schedule and task allocation
Q Deng, BF Santos, WJC Verhagen
Decision Support Systems 146, 113545, 2021
Maximizing operational readiness in military aviation by optimizing flight and maintenance planning
M Verhoeff, WJC Verhagen, R Curran
Transportation Research Procedia 10, 941-950, 2015
A systematic literature review of predictive maintenance for defence fixed-wing aircraft sustainment and operations
MJ Scott, WJC Verhagen, MT Bieber, P Marzocca
Sensors 22 (18), 7070, 2022
Dynamic aircraft recovery problem-an operational decision support framework
J Vink, BF Santos, WJC Verhagen, I Medeiros
Computers & Operations Research 117, 104892, 2020
A framework for management of Knowledge-Based Engineering applications as software services: Enabling personalization and codification
P Bermell-Garcia, WJC Verhagen, S Astwood, K Krishnamurthy, ...
Advanced Engineering Informatics 26 (2), 219-230, 2012
Transdisciplinary engineering research challenges
N Wognum, C Bil, F Elgh, M Peruzzini, J Stjepandić, W Verhagen
Transdisciplinary Engineering Methods for Social Innovation of Industry 4.0 …, 2018
Toward a methodology of requirements definition for prognostics and health management system to support aircraft predictive maintenance
R Li, WJC Verhagen, R Curran
Aerospace Science and Technology 102, 105877, 2020
Knowledge-based engineering
J Stjepandić, WJC Verhagen, H Liese, P Bermell-Garcia
Concurrent engineering in the 21st century: foundations, developments and …, 2015
The Effects of Co-Innovation on the Value-time Curve: Quantitative Study on Product Level
WWA Beelaerts van Blokland, WJC Verhagen, SC Santema
Journal of Business Market Management 2 (1), 5-24, 2008
Multi-criteria weighted decision making for operational maintenance processes
VSV Dhanisetty, WJC Verhagen, R Curran
Journal of Air Transport Management 68, 152-164, 2018
A method for identification of automation potential through modelling of engineering processes and quantification of information waste
WJC Verhagen, B de Vrught, J Schut, R Curran
Advanced Engineering Informatics 29 (3), 307-321, 2015
Estimation of aircraft component production cost using knowledge based engineering techniques
X Zhao, WJC Verhagen, R Curran
Advanced Engineering Informatics 29 (3), 616-632, 2015
Integrating maintenance work progress monitoring into aircraft maintenance planning decision support
P Callewaert, WJC Verhagen, R Curran
Transportation Research Procedia 29, 58-69, 2018
Knowledge-based engineering review: conceptual foundations and research issues
WJC Verhagen, R Curran
New World Situation: New Directions in Concurrent Engineering: Proceedings …, 2010
論文 1–20