Wen Qin
Wen Qin
Tianjin Medical University General Hospital
確認したメール アドレス: tmu.edu.cn
Dynamic functional reorganization of the motor execution network after stroke
L Wang, C Yu, H Chen, W Qin, Y He, F Fan, Y Zhang, M Wang, K Li, ...
Brain 133 (4), 1224-1238, 2010
Brain anatomical network and intelligence
Y Li, Y Liu, J Li, W Qin, K Li, C Yu, T Jiang
PLoS computational biology 5 (5), e1000395, 2009
Subregions of the human superior frontal gyrus and their connections
W Li, W Qin, H Liu, L Fan, J Wang, T Jiang, C Yu
NeuroImage 78, 46-58, 2013
Whole brain functional connectivity in the early blind
Y Liu, C Yu, M Liang, J Li, L Tian, Y Zhou, W Qin, K Li, T Jiang
Brain 130 (8), 2085-2096, 2007
A longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging study on Wallerian degeneration of corticospinal tract after motor pathway stroke
C Yu, C Zhu, Y Zhang, H Chen, W Qin, M Wang, K Li
Neuroimage 47 (2), 451-458, 2009
Resting-state functional connectivity of the vermal and hemispheric subregions of the cerebellum with both the cerebral cortical networks and subcortical structures
L Sang, W Qin, Y Liu, W Han, Y Zhang, T Jiang, C Yu
NeuroImage 61 (4), 1213-1225, 2012
Diffusion tensor tractography in patients with cerebral tumors: a helpful technique for neurosurgical planning and postoperative assessment
CS Yu, KC Li, Y Xuan, XM Ji, W Qin
European journal of radiology 56 (2), 197-204, 2005
Thick visual cortex in the early blind
J Jiang, W Zhu, F Shi, Y Liu, J Li, W Qin, K Li, C Yu, T Jiang
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (7), 2205-2211, 2009
Abnormal salience network in normal aging and in amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
X He, W Qin, Y Liu, X Zhang, Y Duan, J Song, K Li, T Jiang, C Yu
Human brain mapping 35 (7), 3446-3464, 2014
Increased neural resources recruitment in the intrinsic organization in major depression
Y Zhou, C Yu, H Zheng, Y Liu, M Song, W Qin, K Li, T Jiang
Journal of affective disorders 121 (3), 220-230, 2010
White matter tract integrity and intelligence in patients with mental retardation and healthy adults
C Yu, J Li, Y Liu, W Qin, Y Li, N Shu, T Jiang, K Li
Neuroimage 40 (4), 1533-1541, 2008
Diffusion tensor imaging in the assessment of normal-appearing brain tissue damage in relapsing neuromyelitis optica
CS Yu, FC Lin, KC Li, TZ Jiang, CZ Zhu, W Qin, H Sun, P Chan
American Journal of Neuroradiology 27 (5), 1009-1015, 2006
Altered functional connectivity of primary visual cortex in early blindness
C Yu, Y Liu, J Li, Y Zhou, K Wang, L Tian, W Qin, T Jiang, K Li
Human brain mapping 29 (5), 533-543, 2008
Altered Spontaneous Brain Activity in Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analysis and a Large-Sample Study
Y Xu, C Zhuo, W Qin, J Zhu, C Yu
BioMed research international 2015, 2015
Connectivity-based parcellation of the human frontal pole with diffusion tensor imaging
H Liu, W Qin, W Li, L Fan, J Wang, T Jiang, C Yu
The Journal of Neuroscience 33 (16), 6782-6790, 2013
Enhanced Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity Compensates for Anatomical Connection Damages in Subcortical Stroke
J Liu, W Qin, J Zhang, X Zhang, C Yu
Stroke 46 (4), 1045-1051, 2015
Altered functional organization within and between resting-state networks in chronic subcortical infarction
C Wang, W Qin, J Zhang, T Tian, Y Li, L Meng, X Zhang, C Yu
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 34 (4), 597-605, 2014
Altered coupling between resting-state cerebral blood flow and functional connectivity in schizophrenia
J Zhu, C Zhuo, L Xu, F Liu, W Qin, C Yu
Schizophrenia bulletin 43 (6), 1363-1374, 2017
Pathogenesis of Normal-appearing White Matter Damage in Neuromyelitis Optica: Diffusion-Tensor MR Imaging 1
C Yu, F Lin, K Li, T Jiang, W Qin, H Sun, P Chan
Radiology 246 (1), 222-228, 2008
Functional connectivity density in congenitally and late blind subjects
W Qin, Y Xuan, Y Liu, T Jiang, C Yu
Cerebral Cortex 25 (9), 2507-2516, 2015
論文 1–20