Willie Harrison
Willie Harrison
Associate Professor of ECEn, Brigham Young University
確認したメール アドレス: byu.edu - ホームページ
Coding for secrecy: An overview of error-control coding techniques for physical-layer security
WK Harrison, J Almeida, MR Bloch, SW McLaughlin, J Barros
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 30 (5), 41-50, 2013
Physical-layer security: Combining error control coding and cryptography
WK Harrison, SW McLaughlin
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2009
The role of graph theory in system of systems engineering
WK Harrison
IEEE Access 4, 1716-1742, 2016
Coding for cryptographic security enhancement using stopping sets
WK Harrison, J Almeida, SW McLaughlin, J Barros
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 6 (3), 575-584, 2011
Analysis of short blocklength codes for secrecy
W K. Harrison, D Sarmento, J P. Vilela, M AC Gomes
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2018, 1-15, 2018
Quantifying equivocation for finite blocklength wiretap codes
J Pfister, MAC Gomes, JP Vilela, WK Harrison
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2017
Equatorial enhancement of the nighttime OH mesospheric infrared airglow
DJ Baker, BK Thurgood, WK Harrison, MG Mlynczak, JM Russell
Physica Scripta 75 (5), 615, 2007
Interleaved concatenated coding for secrecy in the finite blocklength regime
JP Vilela, M Gomes, WK Harrison, D Sarmento, F Dias
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (3), 356-360, 2015
Applications for Physical-Layer Security
SW McLaughlin, WK Harrison, J McConnell, C Argon
US Patent App. 13/962,777, 2014
Interleaved coding for secrecy with a hidden key
D Sarmento, J Vilela, WK Harrison, M Gomes
2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2015
On dual relationships of secrecy codes
WK Harrison, MR Bloch
2018 56th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2018
Tandem coding and cryptography on wiretap channels: EXIT chart analysis
WK Harrison, SW McLaughlin
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1939-1943, 2009
Physical-layer security for vehicle-to-everything networks: Increasing security while maintaining reliable communications
M Rice, B Clark, D Flanary, B Jensen, N Nelson, K Norman, E Perrins, ...
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine 15 (3), 68-76, 2020
Physical-layer security over correlated erasure channels
WK Harrison, J Almeida, SW McLaughlin, J Barros
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 888-892, 2012
Generating a binary symmetric channel for wiretap codes
WK Harrison, T Fernandes, MAC Gomes, JP Vilela
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (8), 2128-2138, 2019
Stopping sets for physical-layer security
WK Harrison, J Almeida, D Klinc, SW McLaughlin, J Barros
2010 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 1-5, 2010
Postprocessing the outputs of an interacting multiple-model Kalman filter using a Markovian trellis to estimate parameter values of aged Li-ion cells
AJ Smiley, WK Harrison, GL Plett
Journal of Energy Storage 27, 101043, 2020
Attributes of generators for best finite blocklength coset wiretap codes over erasure channels
WK Harrison, MR Bloch
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 827-831, 2019
On peak-to-average power ratio optimization for coded APSK
F Arabian, W Harrison, C Josephson, M Rice, E Perrins
2018 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 1-6, 2018
Space–time block-coded ARTM CPM for aeronautical mobile telemetry
C Josephson, E Perrins, M Rice
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (1), 342-358, 2021
論文 1–20