Lizhen Cui
Towards personalized federated learning
AZ Tan, H Yu, L Cui, Q Yang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 34 (12), 9587-9603, 2022
Are graph augmentations necessary? simple graph contrastive learning for recommendation
J Yu, H Yin, X Xia, T Chen, L Cui, QVH Nguyen
Proceedings of the 45th international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2022
Self-supervised hypergraph convolutional networks for session-based recommendation
X Xia, H Yin, J Yu, Q Wang, L Cui, X Zhang
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 35 (5), 4503-4511, 2021
Attacks which do not kill training make adversarial learning stronger
J Zhang, X Xu, B Han, G Niu, L Cui, M Sugiyama, M Kankanhalli
International conference on machine learning, 11278-11287, 2020
A multiple QoS constrained scheduling strategy of multiple workflows for cloud computing
M Xu, L Cui, H Wang, Y Bi
2009 IEEE international symposium on parallel and distributed processing …, 2009
Robust detection for network intrusion of industrial IoT based on multi-CNN fusion
Y Li, Y Xu, Z Liu, H Hou, Y Zheng, Y Xin, Y Zhao, L Cui
Measurement 154, 107450, 2020
XSimGCL: Towards extremely simple graph contrastive learning for recommendation
J Yu, X Xia, T Chen, L Cui, NQV Hung, H Yin
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 36 (2), 913-926, 2023
Gcn-based user representation learning for unifying robust recommendation and fraudster detection
S Zhang, H Yin, T Chen, QVN Hung, Z Huang, L Cui
Proceedings of the 43rd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2020
Self-supervised graph co-training for session-based recommendation
X Xia, H Yin, J Yu, Y Shao, L Cui
Proceedings of the 30th ACM international conference on information …, 2021
Enhancing social recommendation with adversarial graph convolutional networks
J Yu, H Yin, J Li, M Gao, Z Huang, L Cui
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 34 (8), 3727-3739, 2020
Gtg-shapley: Efficient and accurate participant contribution evaluation in federated learning
Z Liu, Y Chen, H Yu, Y Liu, L Cui
ACM Transactions on intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 13 (4), 1-21, 2022
A category-aware deep model for successive POI recommendation on sparse check-in data
F Yu, L Cui, W Guo, X Lu, Q Li, H Lu
Proceedings of the web conference 2020, 1264-1274, 2020
Enhancing collaborative filtering with generative augmentation
Q Wang, H Yin, H Wang, QVH Nguyen, Z Huang, L Cui
Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2019
BDANN: BERT-based domain adaptation neural network for multi-modal fake news detection
T Zhang, D Wang, H Chen, Z Zeng, W Guo, C Miao, L Cui
2020 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Computational prediction and interpretation of cell-specific replication origin sites from multiple eukaryotes by exploiting stacking framework
L Wei, W He, A Malik, R Su, L Cui, B Manavalan
Briefings in Bioinformatics 22 (4), bbaa275, 2021
A highly practical approach toward achieving minimum data sets storage cost in the cloud
D Yuan, Y Yang, X Liu, W Li, L Cui, M Xu, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 24 (6), 1234-1244, 2013
Pipattack: Poisoning federated recommender systems for manipulating item promotion
S Zhang, H Yin, T Chen, Z Huang, QVH Nguyen, L Cui
Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2022
Graph embedding for recommendation against attribute inference attacks
S Zhang, H Yin, T Chen, Z Huang, L Cui, X Zhang
Proceedings of the web conference 2021, 3002-3014, 2021
Disease prediction via graph neural networks
Z Sun, H Yin, H Chen, T Chen, L Cui, F Yang
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 25 (3), 818-826, 2020
A genetic algorithm based data replica placement strategy for scientific applications in clouds
L Cui, J Zhang, L Yue, Y Shi, H Li, D Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 11 (4), 727-739, 2015
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