A K  Srivastava
A K Srivastava
Principal Scientist, Soil Science, ICAR-Central Citrus Research institute ( Formerly National
確認したメール アドレス: sancharnet.in - ホームページ
The role of biochar and biochar-compost in improving soil quality and crop performance: A review
G Agegnehu, AK Srivastava, MI Bird
Applied soil ecology 119, 156-170, 2017
AMF-induced tolerance to drought stress in citrus: a review
QS Wu, AK Srivastava, YN Zou
Scientia Horticulturae 164, 77-87, 2013
Citrus decline : Soil fertility and plant nutrition
AKSS Srivastava
J. Pl. Nutri. 32(2):197-45. 32 (2), 197-45, 2009
Mycorrhiza stimulates root-hair growth and IAA synthesis and transport in trifoliate orange under drought stress
CY Liu, F Zhang, DJ Zhang, AK Srivastava, QS Wu, YN Zou
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1978, 2018
Organic citrus : Soil fertility and plant nutrition.
RAM Srivastava, A.K. , Singh, Shyam
J. Sustain. Agric. (USA) 19 (3), 5-29, 2002
Plant mineral nutrition and disease resistance: A significant linkage for sustainable crop protection
R Tripathi, R Tewari, KP Singh, C Keswani, T Minkina, AK Srivastava, ...
Frontiers in Plant science 13, 883970, 2022
Mycorrhizas enhance drought tolerance of citrus by altering root fatty acid compositions and their saturation levels
QS Wu, JD He, AK Srivastava, YN Zou, K Kuča
Tree Physiology 39 (7), 1149-1158, 2019
Contribution of glomalin-related soil proteins to soil organic carbon in trifoliate orange
JD He, GG Chi, YN Zou, B Shu, QS Wu, AK Srivastava, K Kuča
Applied Soil Ecology 154, 103592, 2020
Diagnosis of nutrient constraints in citrus orchards of humid tropical India.
AKSS Srivastava
J. Pl. Nutri. 29(6) : 1061-076 29 (6), 1061-076, 2005
Zinc nutrition, a global concern for sustainable citrus production.
AKSS Srivastava
J. Sustain. Agric 25 (3), 5-42, 2004
Mycorrhizal-induced calmodulin mediated changes in antioxidant enzymes and growth response of drought-stressed trifoliate orange
YM Huang, AK Srivastava, YN Zou, QD Ni, Y Han, QS Wu
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 682, 2014
Glomalin: a potential soil conditioner for perennial fruits
YN Zou, AK Srivastava, QS Wu
Int J Agric Biol 18, 293-297, 2016
Growth, yield and quality of Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) in relation to irrigation and fertigation.
AKSS Shirgure, P.S., Srivastava
Indian J. Agric. Sci. 71 (8), 547-50., 2001
Nutrient use efficiency in perennial fruit crops—A review
AK Srivastava, SK Malhotra
Journal of Plant Nutrition 40 (13), 1928-1953, 2017
DRIS norms and their field validation in Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco)
AKSS Srivastava
J. Pl. Nutri. 31 (6), 1091-107., 2008
Effects of drip irrigation regimes and basin irrigation on Nagpur mandarin agronomical and physiological performance.
AKHAD Panigrahi P, Srivastava
Agricult. Water Mgmt 104, 79-88, 2012
Diagnosis and remediation of nutrient constraints in Citrus.
SSLGA Srivastava, A.K.
Hort. Rev. 34, 277-63, 2008
Disruption of mycorrhizal extraradical mycelium and changes in leaf water status and soil aggregate stability in rootbox-grown trifoliate orange
YN Zou, AK Srivastava, QD Ni, QS Wu
Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 203, 2015
Soil and plant nutritional constraints contributing to citrus decline in Marathawada region, India.
AKSS Srivastava
Commun. Soil Sci. & Pl. Anal 35 (17/18), 2537-550, 2004
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regulate polyamine homeostasis in roots of trifoliate orange for improved adaptation to soil moisture deficit stress
YN Zou, F Zhang, AK Srivastava, QS Wu, K Kuča
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 600792, 2021
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