Wei Pang
Wei Pang
Professor, Department of Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University
確認したメール アドレス: hw.ac.uk - ホームページ
Particle swarm optimization for traveling salesman problem
KP Wang, L Huang, CG Zhou, W Pang
Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on machine learning and …, 2003
Fuzzy discrete particle swarm optimization for solving traveling salesman problem
W Pang, K Wang, C Zhou, L Dong
The Fourth International Conference onComputer and Information Technology …, 2004
A fuzzy k-prototype clustering algorithm for mixed numeric and categorical data
J Ji, X Han, C Zhou, Z Wang
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012
Hete-cf: Social-based collaborative filtering recommendation using heterogeneous relations
C Luo, W Pang, Z Wang, C Lin
2014 IEEE international conference on data mining, 917-922, 2014
Gans-based data augmentation for citrus disease severity detection using deep learning
Q Zeng, X Ma, B Cheng, E Zhou, W Pang
IEEE Access 8, 172882-172891, 2020
Self-adaptive parameter and strategy based particle swarm optimization for large-scale feature selection problems with multiple classifiers
Y Xue, T Tang, W Pang, AX Liu
Applied Soft Computing 88, 106031, 2020
Combinatorial stresses kill pathogenic Candida species
D Kaloriti, A Tillmann, E Cook, M Jacobsen, T You, M Lenardon, L Ames, ...
Medical Mycology, 1-11, 2012
Modified particle swarm optimization based on space transformation for solving traveling salesman problem
W Pang, KP Wang, CG Zhou, LJ Dong, M Liu, HY Zhang, JY Wang
Proceedings of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning and …, 2004
Hybrid Approach Based on Ant Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem
W Huang, L. Wang, K.P. Zhou, C.G. Yuang, Y. Pang
Acta Scientiarium Naturalium Universitatis Jilinensis 40 (4), 369-373, 2002
Deep ensemble learning for human action recognition in still images
X Yu, Z Zhang, L Wu, W Pang, H Chen, Z Yu, B Li
Complexity 2020 (1), 9428612, 2020
Mammographic image classification with deep fusion learning
X Yu, W Pang, Q Xu, M Liang
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14361, 2020
McDPC: Multi-center density peak clustering
Y Wang, D Wang, X Zhang, W Pang, C Miao, AH Tan, Y Zhou
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 13465-13478, 2020
Deepswarm: Optimising convolutional neural networks using swarm intelligence
E Byla, W Pang
Advances in Computational Intelligence Systems: Contributions Presented at …, 2020
Particle swarm optimization for traveling salesman problems
L Huang, K Wang, C Zhou, W Pang, L Dong
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Jilinensis 41 (4), 477-480, 2003
An evolutionary computation based feature selection method for intrusion detection
Y Xue, W Jia, X Zhao, W Pang
Security and Communication Networks 2018 (1), 2492956, 2018
Semi-supervised clustering on heterogeneous information networks
C Luo, W Pang, Z Wang
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 18th Pacific-Asia …, 2014
From transparency to accountability of intelligent systems: Moving beyond aspirations
R Williams, R Cloete, J Cobbe, C Cottrill, P Edwards, M Markovic, I Naja, ...
Data & Policy 4, e7, 2022
A decision support system using soft computing for modern international container transportation services
Y Liu, C Zhou, D Guo, K Wang, W Pang, Y Zhai
Applied Soft Computing 10 (4), 1087-1095, 2010
Image Colorization using CycleGAN with semantic and spatial rationality
B Li, Y Lu, W Pang, H Xu
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (14), 21641-21655, 2023
Spatial imputation for air pollutants data sets via low rank matrix completion algorithm
X Liu, X Wang, L Zou, J Xia, W Pang
Environment international 139, 105713, 2020
論文 1–20