オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Tiiu Koff詳細
一般公開: 7 件
Holocene land-cover reconstructions for studies on land cover-climate feedbacks
MJ Gaillard, S Sugita, F Mazier, AK Trondman, A Broström, T Hickler, ...
Climate of the Past 6 (4), 483-499, 2010
委任: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council
Pollen‐based quantitative reconstructions of Holocene regional vegetation cover (plant‐functional types and land‐cover types) in Europe suitable for climate modelling
AK Trondman, MJ Gaillard, F Mazier, S Sugita, R Fyfe, AB Nielsen, ...
Global change biology 21 (2), 676-697, 2015
委任: Swedish Research Council
Quantifying the effects of land use and climate on Holocene vegetation in Europe
L Marquer, MJ Gaillard, S Sugita, A Poska, AK Trondman, F Mazier, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 171, 20-37, 2017
委任: Swedish Research Council, European Commission
The Holocene isotopic record of aquatic cellulose from Lake Äntu Sinijärv, Estonia: influence of changing climate and organic-matter sources
FA Street-Perrott, JA Holmes, I Robertson, KJ Ficken, T Koff, NJ Loader, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 193, 68-83, 2018
委任: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Oribatid mite (Acari: Oribatida) communities of urban brownfields in Tallinn, Estonia, and their potential as bioindicators of wasteland successional stage
P Vacht, H Niglas, A Kuu, T Koff, S Kutti, J Raamets
Acarologia 59 (1), 26-32, 2019
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Human-environmental interactions and seismic activity in a Late Bronze to Early Iron Age settlement center in the southeastern Caucasus
H Von Suchodoletz, G Kirkitadze, T Koff, ML Fischer, RM Poch, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 964188, 2022
委任: German Research Foundation
Human-environmental interactions and seismic activity in a Late Bronze to Early Iron Age settlement center in the southeastern Caucasus
V Tripodi, H Von Suchodoletz, H Von Suchodoletz, G Kirkitadze, T Koff, ...
委任: German Research Foundation
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