Tiiu Koff
Tiiu Koff
Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University, School of Natural Sciences and Health
確認したメール アドレス: tlu.ee
Second assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin
SI Rasool, M Menenti, HJ Bolle
Springer, 2015
Holocene land-cover reconstructions for studies on land cover-climate feedbacks
MJ Gaillard, S Sugita, F Mazier, AK Trondman, A Broström, T Hickler, ...
Climate of the Past 6 (4), 483-499, 2010
Pollen‐based quantitative reconstructions of Holocene regional vegetation cover (plant‐functional types and land‐cover types) in Europe suitable for climate modelling
AK Trondman, MJ Gaillard, F Mazier, S Sugita, R Fyfe, AB Nielsen, ...
Global change biology 21 (2), 676-697, 2015
The use of modelling and simulation approach in reconstructing past landscapes from fossil pollen data: a review and results from the POLLANDCAL network
MJ Gaillard, S Sugita, MJ Bunting, R Middleton, A Broström, C Caseldine, ...
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 17, 419-443, 2008
Quantifying the effects of land use and climate on Holocene vegetation in Europe
L Marquer, MJ Gaillard, S Sugita, A Poska, AK Trondman, F Mazier, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 171, 20-37, 2017
Climate change during the Holocene (past 12,000 years)
I Borzenkova, E Zorita, O Borisova, L Kalniņa, D Kisielienė, T Koff, ...
Second assessment of climate change for the Baltic Sea basin, 25-49, 2015
Long‐term drivers of forest composition in a boreonemoral region: the relative importance of climate and human impact
T Reitalu, H Seppä, S Sugita, M Kangur, T Koff, E Avel, K Kihno, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (8), 1524-1534, 2013
Holocene lake level fluctuations recorded in the sediment compositionof Lake Juusa, southeastern Estonia
JM Punning, T Koff, E Kadastik, A Mikomägi
Journal of Paleolimnology 34, 377-390, 2005
Pollen analysis of honey from the Baltic region, Estonia
L Puusepp, T Koff
Grana 53 (1), 54-61, 2014
Holocene lake-level changes and their reflection in the paleolimnological records of two lakes in northern Estonia
JM Punning, M Kangur, T Koff, G Possnert
Journal of Paleolimnology 29, 167-178, 2003
Pollen influx into Tauber traps in Estonia in 1997–1998
T Koff
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 117 (1-3), 53-62, 2001
Spatial distribution of macrofossil assemblages in surface sediments of two small lakes in Estonia.
T Koff, E Vandel
Estonian Journal of Ecology 57 (1), 2008
Ecosystem response to early and late Holocene lake-level changes in Lake Juusa, southern Estonia
T Koff, JM Punning, K SDarmaja-Korjonen, T Martma
Polish Journal of Ecology 53 (4), 2005
The relative influence of local, extra‐local, and regional factors on organic sedimentation in the Vällamäe kettle hole, Estonia
JM PUNNING, T Koff, M Ilomets, J Jotgi
Boreas 24 (1), 65-80, 1995
A new approach to inventorying bodies of water, from local to global scale
P Bartout, L Touchart, J Terasmaa, Q Choffel, A Marzecova, T Koff, ...
DIE ERDE–Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin 146 (4), 245-258, 2015
Natural and human-induced environmental changes in Eastern Europe during the Holocene: a multi-proxy palaeolimnological study of a small Latvian lake in a humid temperate zone
J Terasmaa, L Puusepp, A Marzecová, E Vandel, T Vaasma, T Koff
Journal of Paleolimnology 49, 663-678, 2013
Holocene land-cover reconstructions for studies on land cover-climate feedbacks, Clim. Past, 6, 483–499
MJ Gaillard, S Sugita, F Mazier, AK Trondman, A Broström, T Hickler, ...
Impact of forest disturbance on the pollen influx in lake sediments during the last century
T Koff, JM Punning, M Kangur
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 111 (1-2), 19-29, 2000
Sedimentary geochemical response to human impact on Lake Nõmmejärv, Estonia
A Marzecová, A Mikomägi, T Koff, T Martma
Estonian Journal of Ecology 60 (1), 54, 2011
European cultural landscapes: insights into origins and development
MJ Gaillard, T Dutoit, K Hjelle, T Koff, M O’Connell
Cultural Landscapes of Europe, edited by: Krzywinski, K., O’Connell, M., and …, 2009
論文 1–20