Daejin Choi
Daejin Choi
Assistant Professor, Incheon National University
確認したメール アドレス: inu.ac.kr - ホームページ
Rumor propagation is amplified by echo chambers in social media
D Choi, S Chun, H Oh, J Han, TT Kwon
Scientific reports 10 (1), 310, 2020
Understanding customers' hotel revisiting behaviour: a sentiment analysis of online feedback reviews
E Park, J Kang, D Choi, J Han
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (5), 605-611, 2020
Characterizing conversation patterns in reddit: From the perspectives of content properties and user participation behaviors
D Choi, J Han, T Chung, YY Ahn, BG Chun, TT Kwon
Proceedings of the 2015 acm on conference on online social networks, 233-243, 2015
Collecting, organizing, and sharing pins in pinterest: interest-driven or social-driven?
J Han, D Choi, BG Chun, T Kwon, H Kim, Y Choi
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 42 (1), 15-27, 2014
FibVID: comprehensive fake news diffusion dataset during the COVID-19 period
J Kim, J Aum, SE Lee, Y Jang, E Park, D Choi
Telematics and Informatics 64, 101688, 2021
Exploring public perceptions of renewable energy: Evidence from a word network model in social network services
J Kim, D Jeong, D Choi, E Park
Energy Strategy Reviews 32, 100552, 2020
Development of a machine learning model using multiple, heterogeneous data sources to estimate weekly US suicide fatalities
D Choi, SA Sumner, KM Holland, J Draper, S Murphy, DA Bowen, ...
JAMA network open 3 (12), e2030932-e2030932, 2020
Predicting popular and viral image cascades in pinterest
J Han, D Choi, J Joo, CN Chuah
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 11 …, 2017
Sharing topics in pinterest: understanding content creation and diffusion behaviors
J Han, D Choi, AY Choi, J Choi, T Chung, TT Kwon, JY Rha, CN Chuah
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on Conference on Online Social Networks, 245-255, 2015
Unveiling group characteristics in online social games: a socio-economic analysis
T Chung, J Han, D Choi, TT Kwon, HK Kim, Y Choi
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, 889-900, 2014
Preventing rumor spread with deep learning
D Choi, H Oh, S Chun, T Kwon, J Han
Expert Systems with Applications 197, 116688, 2022
Bit. ly/practice: Uncovering content publishing and sharing through URL shortening services
D Choi, J Han, S Chun, E Rappos, S Robert, TT Kwon
Telematics and Informatics 35 (5), 1310-1323, 2018
Cross-lingual suicidal-oriented word embedding toward suicide prevention
D Lee, S Park, J Kang, D Choi, J Han
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020, 2208-2217, 2020
Privacy leakage in event-based social networks: A meetup case study
T Chung, J Han, D Choi, TT Kwon, JY Rha, H Kim
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 1 (CSCW), 1-22, 2017
Social networking services as new venue for public perceptions of energy issues: the case of Paris agreement
D Jeong, J Kim, D Choi, E Park
Energy Strategy Reviews 39, 100758, 2022
Predicting continuity of online conversations on Reddit
J Kim, J Han, D Choi
Telematics and Informatics 79, 101965, 2023
Holland, John Draper, Sean Murphy, Daniel A Bowen, Marissa Zwald, Jing Wang, Royal Law, Jordan Taylor, et al. 2020. Development of a machine learning model using multiple …
D Choi, SA Sumner, M Kristin
JAMA network open 3 (12), e2030932-e2030932, 2020
Who drives successful online conversations? Unveiling the role of first user response
YE Won, J Kang, D Choi, E Park, J Han
Kybernetes 49 (3), 876-884, 2020
Understanding influential comments in online conversations
J Kang, D Choi, E Park, J Han
Companion of the 2018 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work …, 2018
Supporters first: understanding online social support on mental health from a supporter perspective
M Kim, K Saha, M De Choudhury, D Choi
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (CSCW1), 1-28, 2023
論文 1–20