Seungik Baek
Theory of small on large: potential utility in computations of fluid–solid interactions in arteries
S Baek, RL Gleason, KR Rajagopal, JD Humphrey
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 196 (31-32), 3070-3078, 2007
A theoretical model of enlarging intracranial fusiform aneurysms
S Baek, KR Rajagopal, JD Humphrey
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 128 (1), 142-149, 2006
A computational framework for fluid–solid-growth modeling in cardiovascular simulations
CA Figueroa, S Baek, CA Taylor, JD Humphrey
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 198 (45-46), 3583-3602, 2009
Complementary vasoactivity and matrix remodelling in arterial adaptations to altered flow and pressure
A Valentin, L Cardamone, S Baek, JD Humphrey
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 6 (32), 293-306, 2009
Computational fluid dynamic simulation of human carotid artery bifurcation based on anatomy and volumetric blood flow rate measured with magnetic resonance imaging
H Gharahi, BA Zambrano, DC Zhu, JK DeMarco, S Baek
International journal of advances in engineering sciences and applied …, 2016
Importance of initial aortic properties on the evolving regional anisotropy, stiffness and wall thickness of human abdominal aortic aneurysms
JS Wilson, S Baek, JD Humphrey
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (74), 2047-2058, 2012
Diffusion of a fluid through an elastic solid undergoing large deformation
S Baek, AR Srinivasa
International Journal of non-linear Mechanics 39 (2), 201-218, 2004
Circumferential variations of mechanical behavior of the porcine thoracic aorta during the inflation test.
J Kim, S Baek
Journal of biomechanics 44, 1941-1947, 2011
Simulation of abdominal aortic aneurysm growth with updating hemodynamic loads using a realistic geometry
A Sheidaei, SC Hunley, S Zeinali-Davarani, LG Raguin, S Baek
Medical engineering & physics 33 (1), 80-88, 2011
Association of intraluminal thrombus, hemodynamic forces, and abdominal aortic aneurysm expansion using longitudinal CT images
BA Zambrano, H Gharahi, CY Lim, FA Jaberi, J Choi, W Lee, S Baek
Annals of biomedical engineering 44, 1502-1514, 2016
Biochemomechanics of cerebral vasospasm and its resolution: II. Constitutive relations and model simulations
S Baek, A Valentín, JD Humphrey
Annals of biomedical engineering 35, 1498-1509, 2007
Parametric study of effects of collagen turnover on the natural history of abdominal aortic aneurysms
JS Wilson, S Baek, JD Humphrey
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2013
Competition between radial expansion and thickening in the enlargement of an intracranial saccular aneurysm
S Baek, KR Rajagopal, JD Humphrey
Journal of Elasticity 80, 13-31, 2005
A finite element model of stress-mediated vascular adaptation: application to abdominal aortic aneurysms
S Zeinali-Davarani, A Sheidaei, S Baek
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 14 (9), 803-817, 2011
CRIMSON: An open-source software framework for cardiovascular integrated modelling and simulation
CJ Arthurs, R Khlebnikov, A Melville, M Marčan, A Gomez, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (5), e1008881, 2021
Blood perfusion and transcutaneous oxygen level characterizations in human skin with changes in normal and shear loads—implications for pressure ulcer formation
AA Manorama, S Baek, J Vorro, A Sikorskii, TR Bush
Clinical biomechanics 25 (8), 823-828, 2010
Stress–strain behavior of the passive basilar artery in normotension and hypertension
JJ Hu, S Baek, JD Humphrey
Journal of biomechanics 40 (11), 2559-2563, 2007
On parameter estimation for biaxial mechanical behavior of arteries
S Zeinali-Davarani, J Choi, S Baek
Journal of biomechanics 42 (4), 524-530, 2009
Biochemomechanics of cerebral vasospasm and its resolution: I. A new hypothesis and theoretical framework
JD Humphrey, S Baek, LE Niklason
Annals of biomedical engineering 35, 1485-1497, 2007
Inhomogeneous deformation of elastomer gels in equilibrium under saturated and unsaturated conditions
S Baek, TJ Pence
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (3), 561-582, 2011
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