Adnan Shahid Khan-PhD, SMIEEE
Adnan Shahid Khan-PhD, SMIEEE
Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Faculty of Computer Science and IT, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
確認したメール アドレス: unimas.my - ホームページ
Network intrusion detection system: A systematic study of machine learning and deep learning approaches
Z Ahmad, A Shahid Khan, C Wai Shiang, J Abdullah, F Ahmad
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (1), e4150, 2021
Anomaly detection using deep neural network for IoT architecture
Z Ahmad, A Shahid Khan, K Nisar, I Haider, R Hassan, MR Haque, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (15), 7050, 2021
Secure trust-based blockchain architecture to prevent attacks in VANET
AS Khan, K Balan, Y Javed, S Tarmizi, J Abdullah
Sensors 19 (22), 4954, 2019
A review of vehicle to vehicle communication protocols for VANETs in the urban environment
IA Abbasi, A Shahid Khan
future internet 10 (2), 14, 2018
A spectrogram image-based network anomaly detection system using deep convolutional neural network
AS Khan, Z Ahmad, J Abdullah, F Ahmad
IEEE access 9, 87079-87093, 2021
Defending malicious script attacks using machine learning classifiers
N Khan, J Abdullah, AS Khan
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2017 (1), 5360472, 2017
A framework for traceable and transparent supply chain management for agri-food sector in malaysia using blockchain technology
KY Chan, J Abdullah, AS Khan
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (11), 2019
Designing of success criteria-based evaluation model for assessing the research collaboration between university and industry
AM Iqbal, AS Khan, S Iqbal, AA Senin
International Journal of Business Research and Management 2 (2), 59-73, 2011
A reliable path selection and packet forwarding routing protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks
IA Abbasi, AS Khan, S Ali
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2018, 1-19, 2018
A verifiably secure ECC based authentication scheme for securing IoD using FANET
SU Jan, IA Abbasi, F Algarni, AS Khan
Ieee access 10, 95321-95343, 2022
Evaluating national innovation system of malaysia based on university-industry research collaboration: A system thinking approach
AM Iqbal, AS Khan, F Bashir, AA Senin, AM Iqbal, AS Khan, F Bashir, ...
Asian Social Science 11 (13), 45-60, 2015
Secure Authentication and Key Management Protocols for Mobile Multihop WiMAX Networks
AS Khan, lenando Halikul, NF Johari Abdullah
Jurnal Teknologi 73 (1), 75-81, 2015
Effective way to defend the hypervisor attacks in cloud computing
MS Dildar, N Khan, JB Abdullah, AS Khan
2017 2nd International Conference on Anti-Cyber Crimes (ICACC), 154-159, 2017
Security issues in 5G device to device communication
AS Khan, Y Javed, J Abdullah, JM Nazim, N Khan
IJCSNS 17 (5), 366, 2017
Evolutionary integrated heuristic with Gudermannian neural networks for second kind of Lane–Emden nonlinear singular models
K Nisar, Z Sabir, MA Zahoor Raja, AA Ag. Ibrahim, JJPC Rodrigues, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (11), 4725, 2021
Dynamic multiple junction selection based routing protocol for VANETs in city environment
IA Abbasi, AS Khan, S Ali
Applied Sciences 8 (5), 687, 2018
Towards vulnerability prevention model for web browser using interceptor approach
N Khan, J Abdullah, AS Khan
2015 9th International Conference on IT in Asia (CITA), 1-5, 2015
Analysis and Intellectual Structure of the Multi-Factor Authentication in Information Security.
RM Saqib, AS Khan, Y Javed, S Ahmad, K Nisar, IA Abbasi, MR Haque, ...
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 32 (3), 2022
Lightweight multifactor authentication scheme for nextgen cellular networks
AS Khan, Y Javed, RM Saqib, Z Ahmad, J Abdullah, K Zen, IA Abbasi, ...
IEEE access 10, 31273-31288, 2022
Quantum-elliptic curve cryptography for multihop communication in 5G networks
S Khan, J Abdullah, N Khan, AA Julahi, S Tarmizi
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS) 17 …, 2017
論文 1–20