Hani T. Fadel
Hani T. Fadel
Assoc. Prof. of Periodontology, Dep. of Preventive Dent. Sciences, Taibah Univ. COD, Madinah
確認したメール アドレス: taibahu.edu.sa
Clinical and biological indicators of dental caries and periodontal disease in adolescents with or without obesity
HT Fadel, A Pliaki, E Gronowitz, S Mårild, P Ramberg, G Dahlèn, ...
Clinical Oral Investigations 18 (2), 359-368, 2014
Profiles of dental caries and periodontal disease in individuals with or without psoriasis
HT Fadel, I Flytström, AM Calander, IM Bergbrant, L Heijl, D Birkhed
Journal of Periodontology 84 (4), 477-485, 2013
Antibiotic prescribing for oro-facial infections in the paediatric outpatient: a review
N Dar-Odeh, HT Fadel, S Abu-Hammad, R Abdeljawad, OA Abu-Hammad
Antibiotics 7 (2), 38, 2018
Association between body mass index, diet and dental caries in Grade 6 boys in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
A Bhayat, MS Ahmad, HT Fadel
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 22 (9), 2016
Root caries and risk profiles using the Cariogram in different periodontal disease severity groups
HT Fadel, K Al Hamdan, Y Rhbeini, L Heijl, D Birkhed
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 69 (2), 118-124, 2011
Comparing dental students’ perceptions of their educational environment in Northwestern Saudi Arabia
MS Ahmad, A Bhayat, HT Fadel, MS Mahrous
Saudi Medical Journal 36 (4), 477, 2015
Association Between Oral Health and Frailty Among Older Adults in Madinah, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study
F Hakeem, E Bernabé, HT Fadel, W Sabbah
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 1-6, 2020
Caries risk and periodontitis in patients with coronary artery disease
HT Fadel, KA Al‐Kindy, M Mosalli, L Heijl, D Birkhed
Journal of Periodontology 82 (9), 1295-1303, 2011
Antibiotic self-medication for oral conditions: Characteristics and associated factors
N Dar-Odeh, B Othman, RH Bahabri, A Alnazzawi, S Borzangy, H Fadel, ...
Pesqui bras odontopediatria clín integr 18 (1), 1-10, 2018
A retrospective analysis of radiographic jaw findings in young women; prevalence and predictors
SM El Khateeb, O Abu-Hammad, HT Fadel, N Dar-Odeh
Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry 7 (1), 22, 2017
Comparative study of attitudes towards communication skills learning between medical and dental students in Saudi Arabia
AAE Nourein, RF Shahadah, MA Alnemer, SS Al-Harbi, HT Fadel, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (1), 128, 2021
Oral health profiles and related quality of life in thalassemia children in relation to iron overload: a cross-sectional study
HT Fadel, MA Zolaly, MO Alharbi, LA Qarah, MS Alrehili, AD Alamri, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (24), 9444, 2020
Shifting from traditional lecturing to interactive learning in Saudi dental schools: How important is staff development?
S Jambi, AM Khalifah, HT Fadel
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 10 (1), 45-49, 2015
Student perception of the educational environment in regular and bridging nursing programs in Saudi Arabia using the Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure
OM Al Nozha, HT Fadel
Annals of Saudi Medicine 37 (3), 225, 2017
Parents' Education Level and Children's BMI Explain Caries Distribution Among Kindergarten Students: A Cross-Sectional Study.
HT Fadel, SF Alamray, SS Alsayed, GY Zolaly, LH Alsisi, SA Bahammam
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 28 (3), 2022
Dental students’ perceptions before and after attending a centre for children with special needs: a qualitative study on situated learning
HT Fadel, K Baghlaf, A Ben Gassem, H Bakeer, AT Alsharif, S Kassim
Dentistry Journal 8 (3), 69, 2020
Practicing Dentists’ Self-Efficacy and Associated Factors in Managing the Treatment of Adults with Mental and Physical Disabilities: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study in …
S AlQahtani, EZ Murshid, HT Fadel, S Kassim
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 (12), 1549, 2017
Studies on the associations between dental caries, periodontal disease and different systemic conditions
HT Fadel
University of Gothenburg, 2012
Are Artificial Neural Networks Useful for Predicting Overhanging Dental Restorations? A Cross-sectional Study
HT Fadel, O Abu-Hammad, OA Ghulam, N Dar-Odeh
World Journal of Dentistry 11 (2), 99-104, 2020
Antibiotic self-medication for oral conditions: Characteristics and associated factors. Pesqui Bras Odontopediatria Clin Integr 2018; 18 (1): e3890
N Dar-Odeh, B Othman, RH Bahabri, AA Alnazzawi, SS Borzangy, ...
論文 1–20