Dr. Caroline Stretton
Dr. Caroline Stretton
Centre for Person Centred Research (PCR), AUT University
確認したメール アドレス: aut.ac.nz - ホームページ
Progressive resistance strength training for improving physical function in older adults
C Liu, NK Latham
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2009
Systematic review of progressive resistance strength training in older adults
NK Latham, DA Bennett, CM Stretton, CS Anderson
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2004
Are physiotherapists comfortable with person-centred practice? An autoethnographic insight
S Mudge, C Stretton, N Kayes
Disability and rehabilitation 36 (6), 457-463, 2014
Determinants of physical health in frail older people: the importance of self-efficacy
CM Stretton, NK Latham, KN Carter, AC Lee, CS Anderson
Clinical rehabilitation 20 (4), 357-366, 2006
Does clinic-measured gait speed differ from gait speed measured in the community in people with stroke?
D Taylor, CM Stretton, S Mudge, N Garrett
Clinical rehabilitation 20 (5), 438-444, 2006
Capture-recapture is a potentially useful method for assessing publication bias
DA Bennett, NK Latham, C Stretton, CS Anderson
Journal of clinical epidemiology 57 (4), 349-357, 2004
Interventions to improve real-world walking after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis
CM Stretton, S Mudge, NM Kayes, KM McPherson
Clinical rehabilitation 31 (3), 310-318, 2017
The otago exercise programme: an evidence-based approach to falls prevention for older adults living in the community
D Taylor, C Stretton
Journal of Primary Health Care 31 (6), 2004
Activity coaching to improve walking is liked by rehabilitation patients but physiotherapists have concerns: a qualitative study
C Stretton, S Mudge, NM Kayes, D Taylor, KM McPherson
Journal of physiotherapy 59 (3), 199-206, 2013
Progressive resistance strength training in hospitalised older people: a preliminary investigation
NK Latham, C Stretton, M Ronald
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 29 (2), 41-48, 2001
What does real-world walking mean to people with stroke? An interpretive descriptive study
CM Stretton, S Mudge, NM Kayes, KM McPherson
Disability and Rehabilitation 44 (2), 315-322, 2022
Does rehabilitation improve gait and quality of life for chronic stroke survivors?
L Ngan-Hing, C Stretton
New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 34 (3), 2006
Decision-making on listing new medicines for public funding in New Zealand: the case of ‘new’type 2 diabetes medications
F Sarkisova, C Lessing, C Stretton
Journal of Primary Health Care 14 (1), 13-20, 2022
“Ding!” Co-creating wellbeing in a Friday online research writing group
K Hammond, J Trafford, A Hassouna, L Jowitt, A Lees, P Lucas, N Power, ...
Reflections on Valuing Wellbeing in Higher Education, 159-177, 2022
Can we improve real world walking after stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis
CM Stretton, S Mudge, KM McPherson, NM Kayes
Elsevier, 2014
Clinical performance of walking and'real world'walking in people with stroke: Are they the same?
D Taylor, C Stretton, S Mudge, N Garrett
DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION 29 (20-21), 1649-1650, 2007
Demystifying Case Management in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Scoping and Mapping Review
C Stretton, WY Chan, D Wepa
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (1), 784, 2022
Demystifying Case Management in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Scoping and Mapping
C Stretton, WY Chan, D Wepa
Walking for wellbeing after stroke: Building a treatment theory to improve real-world walking
CM Stretton
Auckland University of Technology, 2018
Stroke e15
CM Stretton, S Mudge, KM McPherson, NM Kayes
論文 1–20