Todd Q Miller
Todd Q Miller
The Impartial Review News
確認したメール アドレス: なし - ホームページ
Reviewing theories of adolescent substance use: organizing pieces in the puzzle.
J Petraitis, BR Flay, TQ Miller
Psychological bulletin 117 (1), 67, 1995
A meta-analytic review of research on hostility and physical health.
TQ Miller, TW Smith, CW Turner, ML Guijarro, AJ Hallet
Psychological bulletin 119 (2), 322, 1996
Most asthmatics have gastroesophageal reflux with or without bronchodilator therapy
SJ Sontag, S O'connell, S Khandelwal, T Miller, B Nemchausky, ...
Gastroenterology 99 (3), 613-620, 1990
Correlates of depressive symptomatology among older community-dwelling Mexican Americans: the Hispanic EPESE
SA Black, KS Markides, TQ Miller
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 1998
Asthmatics with gastroesophageal reflux: long term results of a randomized trial of medical and surgical antireflux therapies
SJ Sontag, S O’Connell, S Khandelwal, H Greenlee, T Schnell, ...
The American journal of gastroenterology 98 (5), 987-999, 2003
Illicit substance use among adolescents: A matrix of prospective predictors
J Petraitis, BR Flay, TQ Miller, EJ Torpy, B Greiner
Substance Use & Misuse 33 (13), 2561-2604, 1998
Prevalence of oesophagitis in asthmatics.
SJ Sontag, TG Schnell, TQ Miller, S Khandelwal, S O'Connell, G Chejfec, ...
Gut 33 (7), 872-876, 1992
The importance of hiatal hernia in reflux esophagitis compared with lower esophageal sphincter pressure or smoking
SJ Sontag, TG Schnell, TQ Miller, B Nemchausky, R Serlovsky, ...
Journal of clinical gastroenterology 13 (6), 628-643, 1991
Reasons for the trend toward null findings in research on Type A behavior.
TQ Miller, CW Turner, RS Tindale, EJ Posavac, BL Dugoni
Psychological Bulletin 110 (3), 469, 1991
The television, school, and family smoking prevention and cessation project VIII. Student outcomes and mediating variables
BR Flay, TQ Miller, D Hedeker, O Siddiqui, CF Britton, BR Brannon, ...
Preventive medicine 24 (1), 29-40, 1995
The factor structure of the CES-D in two surveys of elderly Mexican Americans
TQ Miller, KS Markides, SA Black
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 1997
A test of the psychosocial vulnerability and health behavior models of hostility: Results from an 11-year follow-up study of Mexican Americans
TQ Miller, KS Markides, DA Chiriboga, LA Ray
Psychosomatic medicine 57 (6), 572-581, 1995
A test of socioeconomic status as a predictor of initial marijuana use
DS Miller, TQ Miller
Addictive Behaviors 22 (4), 479-489, 1997
Effects of social support and relapse prevention training as adjuncts to a televised smoking-cessation intervention.
CL Gruder, RJ Mermelstein, S Kirkendol, D Hedeker, SC Wong, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 61 (1), 113, 1993
Are All Hostility Scales Alike? Factor Structure and Covariation Among Measures of Hostility1
TQ Miller, CD Jenkins, GA Kaplan, JT Salonen
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 25 (13), 1142-1168, 1995
Asthmatics have more nocturnal gasping and reflux symptoms than nonasthmatics, and they are related to bedtime eating
SJ Sontag, S O'Connell, TQ Miller, M Bernsen, J Seidel
The American journal of gastroenterology 99 (5), 789-796, 2004
Family relationships and adolescent cigarette smoking: Results from a national longitudinal survey
TQ Miller, RJ Volk
Journal of Drug Issues 32 (3), 945-972, 2002
A test of alternative explanations for the stage-like progression of adolescent substance use in four national samples
TQ Miller
Addictive behaviors 19 (3), 287-293, 1994
Imitative violence in the real world: A reanalysis of homicide rates following championship prize fights
TQ Miller, L Heath, JR Molcan, BL Dugoni
Aggressive Behavior 17 (3), 121-134, 1991
Correlates of HIV risk among young adolescents in a large metropolitan midwestern epicenter
SR Levy, AS Handler, K Weeks, C Lampman, C Perhats, TQ Miller, ...
Journal of School Health 65 (1), 28-32, 1995
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