Julie M. Davis
Young children and the environment: Early education for sustainability
J Davis, S Elliott
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Revealing the research ‘hole’of early childhood education for sustainability: A preliminary survey of the literature
J Davis
Environmental Education Research 15 (2), 227-241, 2009
Young children, environmental education and the future
J Davis
Education and the environment, 141-155, 1998
Approaches to embedding sustainability in teacher education: A synthesis of the literature
RB Stevenson, M Lasen, JA Ferreira, J Davis
Teaching and Teacher Education 63, 405-417, 2017
Research in early childhood education for sustainability
J Davis, S Elliott
International perspectives and provocations, 2014
Exploring the resistance: An Australian perspective on educating for sustainability in early childhood
S Elliott, J Davis
International Journal of Early Childhood 41, 65-77, 2009
Challenging taken-for-granted ideas in early childhood education: A critique of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory in the age of post-humanism
S Elliott, JM Davis
Research handbook on childhoodnature: Assemblages of childhood and nature …, 2020
What might education for sustainability look like in early childhood? A case for participatory, whole-setting approaches
J Davis
The role of early childhood education for a sustainable society, 18-24, 2008
The impact of professional development on early childhood educators’ confidence, understanding and knowledge of education for sustainability
JE Dyment, JM Davis, D Nailon, S Emery, S Getenet, N McCrea, A Hill
Environmental Education Research 20 (5), 660-679, 2014
Education for sustainability: A case study of pre-service primary teachers' knowledge and efficacy
G Effeney, J Davis
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 38 (5), 32-46, 2013
Examining early childhood education through the lens of education for sustainability: Revisioning rights
J Davis
Research in early childhood education for sustainability, 21-37, 2014
Enhancing science education for young children: A contemporary initiative
JJ Watters, CM Diezmann, SJ Grieshaber, JM Davis
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 26 (2), 1-7, 2001
Educating for sustainability in the early years: Creating cultural change in a child care setting
J Davis
Australian Journal of Environmental Education 21, 47-55, 2005
Examining the rhetoric: A comparison of how sustainability and young children's participation and agency are framed in Australian and Swedish early childhood education curricula
E Ärlemalm-Hagsér, J Davis
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 15 (3), 231-244, 2014
Mainstreaming sustainability into pre-service teacher education in Australia
JA Ferreira, L Ryan, J Davis, M Cavanagh, J Thomas
Macquarie University, 2009
Educating for a healthy, sustainable world: an argument for integrating health promoting schools and sustainable schools
JM Davis, SM Cooke
Health promotion international 22 (4), 346-353, 2007
Early childhood education for sustainability: Recommendations for development
J Daries, I Engdahl, L Otieno, I Pramling-Samuelson, J Siraj-Blatchford, ...
International Journal of Early Childhood 41 (2), 113-117, 2009
Young children learning for the environment: Researching a forest adventure
A Gambino, J Davis, N Rowntree
Australian Journal of Environmental Education 25, 83-94, 2009
Ecological footprinting: Its potential as a tool for change in preservice teacher education
L O’Gorman, J Davis
Environmental Education Research 19 (6), 779-791, 2013
An ecological footprint for an early learning centre: identifying opportunities for early childhood sustainability education through interdisciplinary research
H McNichol, JM Davis, KR O’Brien
Environmental Education Research 17 (5), 689-704, 2011
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