Sven Hammarling
Sven Hammarling
Senior Honorary Research Fellow, U. of Manchester, Dept. of Mathematics
確認したメール アドレス: manchester.ac.uk - ホームページ
LAPACK Users’ Guide
E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, S Blackford, J Demmel, J Dongarra, ...
Curriculum Vitae Name: Mag. Gerhard König Anschrift: Siegfried Esterl Gasse, 1999
A set of level 3 basic linear algebra subprograms
JJ Dongarra, J Du Croz, S Hammarling, IS Duff
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 16 (1), 1-17, 1990
ScaLAPACK Users' Guide
LS Blackford, A Cleary, J Choi, E D'Azevedo, J Demmel, I Dhillon, ...
SIAM, PA, USA, 1997
An updated set of basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS)
LS Blackford, A Petitet, R Pozo, K Remington, RC Whaley, J Demmel, ...
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 28 (2), 135-151, 2002
LAPACK: A Portable Line ar Al ge br a Li br ary fo r Hi g h-Pe rfor ma n ce Co mput ers
E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, J Demmel, J Dongarra, J DuCroz, ...
Numerical solution of the stable, non-negative definite lyapunov equation lyapunov equation
SJ Hammarling
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2 (3), 303-323, 1982
Block reduction of matrices to condensed forms for eigenvalue computations
JJ Dongarra, DC Sorensen, SJ Hammarling
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 27 (1-2), 215-227, 1989
A Schur method for the square root of a matrix
Å Björck, S Hammarling
Linear algebra and its applications 52, 127-140, 1983
A note on modifications to the Givens plane rotation
S Hammarling
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 13 (2), 215-218, 1974
ScaLAPACK: a portable linear algebra library for distributed memory computers-design issues and performance
LS Blackford, J Choi, A Cleary, A Petitet, RC Whaley, J Demmel, I Dhillon, ...
Proceedings of the 1996 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 5-es, 1996
LAPACK Users’ Guide. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 1992
E Anderson, Z Bai, C Bischof, LS Blackford, JW Demmel, JJ Dongarra, ...
An algorithm for the complete solution of quadratic eigenvalue problems
S Hammarling, CJ Munro, F Tisseur
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 39 (3), 1-19, 2013
ScaLAPACK: a linear algebra library for message-passing computers
LS Blackford, J Choi, AJ Cleary, EF D'Azevedo, J Demmel, IS Dhillon, ...
Proceedings of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for …, 1997
User's guide for LSSOL (Version 1.0): A Fortran package for constrained linear least squares and convex quadratic programming
PE Gill, SJ Hammarling
Stanford University. Systems Optimization Laboratory, 1986
The design and performance of batched BLAS on modern high-performance computing systems
J Dongarra, S Hammarling, NJ Higham, SD Relton, P Valero-Lara, ...
Procedia Computer Science 108, 495-504, 2017
Prospectus for the development of a linear algebra library for high-performance computers
J Demmell, JJ Dongarra, J Du Croz, A Greenbaum, S Hammarling, ...
Argonne National Lab., IL (USA), 1987
A proposal for an extended set of Fortran basic linear algebra subprograms
JJ Dongarra, JD Croz, S Hammarling, RJ Hanson
ACM Signum Newsletter 20 (1), 2-18, 1985
LAPACK95 Users' Guide
VA Barker, LS Blackford, J Dongarra, J Du Croz, S Hammarling, ...
SIAM, PA, USA, 2001
High-performance numerical software for control
S Van Huffel, V Sima, A Varga, S Hammarling, F Delebecque
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 24 (1), 60-76, 2004
Key concepts for parallel out-of-core LU factorization
JJ Dongarra, S Hammarling, DW Walker
Parallel Computing 23 (1-2), 49-70, 1997
論文 1–20