オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Francesco Contino詳細
一般には非公開: 22 件
Waste heat recovery optimization in micro gas turbine applications using advanced humidified gas turbine cycle concepts
W De Paepe, MM Carrero, S Bram, F Contino, A Parente
Applied energy 207, 218-229, 2017
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
A hyperparameters selection technique for support vector regression models
P Tsirikoglou, S Abraham, F Contino, C Lacor, G Ghorbaniasl
Applied Soft Computing 61, 139-148, 2017
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Toward higher micro gas turbine efficiency and flexibility—humidified micro gas turbines: a review
W De Paepe, M Montero Carrero, S Bram, A Parente, F Contino
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 140 (8), 081702, 2018
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Combustion and emissions characteristics of valeric biofuels in a compression ignition engine
F Contino, P Dagaut, G Dayma, F Halter, F Foucher, ...
Journal of Energy Engineering 140 (3), A4014013, 2014
委任: European Commission
T100 micro Gas Turbine converted to full Humid Air Operation: Test rig evaluation
W De Paepe, M Montero Carrero, S Bram, F Contino
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45653, V03AT07A020, 2014
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
T100 micro gas turbine converted to full humid air operation: A thermodynamic performance analysis
W De Paepe, M Montero Carrero, S Bram, F Contino
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 56673, V003T06A015, 2015
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Carbon capture on micro gas turbine cycles: Assessment of the performance on dry and wet operations
S Giorgetti, L Bricteux, A Parente, J Blondeau, F Contino, W De Paepe
Applied Energy 207, 243-253, 2017
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
How to ensure the interpretability of experimental data in Rapid Compression Machines? A method to validate piston crevice designs
N Bourgeois, H Jeanmart, G Winckelmans, O Lamberts, F Contino
Combustion and flame 198, 393-411, 2018
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Screening method for fuels in homogeneous charge compression ignition engines: application to valeric biofuels
F Contino, P Dagaut, F Halter, JB Masurier, G Dayma, ...
Energy & Fuels 31 (1), 607-614, 2017
委任: European Commission
CFD simulations of Rapid Compression Machines using detailed chemistry: Impact of multi-dimensional effects on the auto-ignition of the iso-octane
N Bourgeois, SS Goldsborough, G Vanhove, M Duponcheel, H Jeanmart, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 383-391, 2017
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
On the application of tabulated dynamic adaptive chemistry in ethylene-fueled supersonic combustion
K Wu, F Contino, W Yao, X Fan
Combustion and Flame 197, 265-275, 2018
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Spectral representation of stochastic field data using sparse polynomial chaos expansions
S Abraham, P Tsirikoglou, J Miranda, C Lacor, F Contino, G Ghorbaniasl
Journal of Computational Physics 367, 109-120, 2018
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
A study on the performance of steam injection in a typical micro Gas Turbine
W De Paepe, F Delattin, S Bram, F Contino, J De Ruyck
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 55195, V05AT23A011, 2013
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
A CFD-based methodology for aerodynamic-aeroacoustic shape optimization of airfoils
N Ricks, P Tsirikoglou, F Contino, G Ghorbaniasl
AIAA scitech 2020 forum, 1729, 2020
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Uncertainty quantification from raw measurements to post-processed data: A general methodology and its application to a homogeneous-charge compression–ignition engine
M Pochet, H Jeanmart, F Contino
International Journal of Engine Research 21 (9), 1709-1737, 2020
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Comparison of metaheuristics algorithms on robust design optimization of a plain-fin-tube heat exchanger
P Tsirikoglou, S Abraham, F Contino, Ö Bağci, J Vierendeels, ...
18th AIAA/ISSMO multidisciplinary analysis and optimization conference, 3827, 2017
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Uncertainty quantification in industrial turbo-machinery design using sparse polynomial chaos expansions
S Abraham, P Tsirikoglou, C Lacor, G Ghorbaniasl, D Wunsch, C Hirsch, ...
2018 Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 3103, 2018
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Uncertainty quantification for the aeroacoustics of rotating blades in the time domain
N Ricks, S Abraham, F Contino, G Ghorbaniasl
Applied Acoustics 139, 57-68, 2018
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification for the ffowcs williams-hawkings equation
N Ricks, S Abraham, F Contino, G Ghorbaniasl
23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3511, 2017
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Deep learning dynamical latencies for the analysis and reduction of combustion chemistry kinetics
L Castellanos, R SM Freitas, A Parente, F Contino
Physics of Fluids 35 (10), 2023
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, European Commission
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