Priscila Silva Oliveira
Priscila Silva Oliveira
Doutora em Qualidade e Produtividade Animal pela Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da USP
確認したメール アドレス: usp.br
Acute heart failure congestion and perfusion status–impact of the clinical classification on in‐hospital and long‐term outcomes; insights from the ESC‐EORP‐HFA Heart Failure …
O Chioncel, A Mebazaa, AP Maggioni, VP Harjola, G Rosano, C Laroche, ...
European journal of heart failure 21 (11), 1338-1352, 2019
Measurement of prompt and nonprompt production in and collisions at
AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, E Asilar, T Bergauer, J Brandstetter, ...
The European Physical Journal C 77, 1-27, 2017
Global liver gene expression differences in Nelore steers with divergent residual feed intake phenotypes
PC Tizioto, LL Coutinho, JE Decker, RD Schnabel, KO Rosa, ...
BMC genomics 16, 1-14, 2015
Genome-wide association study for intramuscular fat deposition and composition in Nellore cattle
ASM Cesar, LCA Regitano, GB Mourão, RR Tullio, DPD Lanna, RT Nassu, ...
BMC genetics 15, 1-15, 2014
Unravelling the interplay between hyperkalaemia, renin–angiotensin–aldosterone inhibitor use and clinical outcomes. Data from 9222 chronic heart failure patients of the ESC‐HFA …
P Rossignol, M Lainscak, MG Crespo‐Leiro, C Laroche, MF Piepoli, ...
European journal of heart failure 22 (8), 1378-1389, 2020
Population structure and inbreeding effects on growth traits of Santa Inês sheep in Brazil
VB Pedrosa, ML Santana Jr, PS Oliveira, JP Eler, JBS Ferraz
Small Ruminant Research 93 (2-3), 135-139, 2010
Sex‐and age‐related differences in the management and outcomes of chronic heart failure: an analysis of patients from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long‐Term Registry
M Lainščak, I Milinković, M Polovina, MG Crespo‐Leiro, LH Lund, ...
European journal of heart failure 22 (1), 92-102, 2020
Putative regulatory factors associated with intramuscular fat content
ASM Cesar, LCA Regitano, JE Koltes, ER Fritz-Waters, DPD Lanna, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0128350, 2015
Identification of genomic regions associated with feed efficiency in Nelore cattle
PSN De Oliveira, ASM Cesar, ML do Nascimento, AS Chaves, PC Tizioto, ...
BMC genetics 15, 1-10, 2014
Gene expression differences in Longissimus muscle of Nelore steers genetically divergent for residual feed intake
PC Tizioto, LL Coutinho, PSN Oliveira, ASM Cesar, WJS Diniz, AO Lima, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 39493, 2016
Accuracy of acoustic analysis measurements in the evaluation of patients with different laryngeal diagnoses
LW Lopes, LB Simões, JD da Silva, D da Silva Evangelista, ...
Journal of voice 31 (3), 382. e15-382. e26, 2017
Pedigree analysis and inbreeding depression on growth traits in Brazilian Marchigiana and Bonsmara breeds
ML Santana Jr, PS Oliveira, JP Eler, JP Gutiérrez, JBS Ferraz
Journal of animal science 90 (1), 99-108, 2012
Differences in the skeletal muscle transcriptome profile associated with extreme values of fatty acids content
ASM Cesar, LCA Regitano, MD Poleti, SCS Andrade, PC Tizioto, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-16, 2016
Light olefin transformation over ZSM-5 zeolites with different acid strengths–a kinetic model
P Oliveira, P Borges, RR Pinto, M Lemos, F Lemos, JC Vedrine, ...
Applied Catalysis A: General 384 (1-2), 177-185, 2010
Genomic regions and pathways associated with gastrointestinal parasites resistance in Santa Inês breed adapted to tropical climate
MP Berton, RM de Oliveira Silva, E Peripolli, NB Stafuzza, JF Martin, ...
Journal of animal science and biotechnology 8, 1-16, 2017
Association between loop diuretic dose changes and outcomes in chronic heart failure: observations from the ESC‐EORP Heart Failure Long‐Term Registry
CJ Kapelios, C Laroche, MG Crespo‐Leiro, SD Anker, AJS Coats, ...
European journal of heart failure 22 (8), 1424-1437, 2020
Three-dimensional modelling of an industrial glass furnace
MG Carvalho, P Oliveira, V Semiao
Journal of the Institute of Energy 61 (448), 143-156, 1988
Genomic structure and marker-derived gene networks for growth and meat quality traits of Brazilian Nelore beef cattle
MA Mudadu, LR Porto-Neto, FB Mokry, PC Tizioto, PSN Oliveira, ...
Bmc Genomics 17, 1-16, 2016
Identification of putative regulatory regions and transcription factors associated with intramuscular fat content traits
ASM Cesar, LCA Regitano, JM Reecy, MD Poleti, PSN Oliveira, ...
BMC genomics 19, 1-20, 2018
Relationship between acoustic measurements and self-evaluation in patients with voice disorders
LW Lopes, JD da Silva, LB Simões, D da Silva Evangelista, POC Silva, ...
Journal of Voice 31 (1), 119. e1-119. e10, 2017
論文 1–20