オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Olexei I. Motrunich詳細
一般公開: 33 件
Exact quantum many-body scar states in the Rydberg-blockaded atom chain
CJ Lin, OI Motrunich
Physical review letters 122 (17), 173401, 2019
委任: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Out-of-time-ordered correlators in a quantum Ising chain
CJ Lin, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 97 (14), 144304, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Hilbert space fragmentation and commutant algebras
S Moudgalya, OI Motrunich
Physical Review X 12 (1), 011050, 2022
委任: US National Science Foundation
Unified structure for exact towers of scar states in the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki and other models
DK Mark, CJ Lin, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 101 (19), 195131, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation
Explicit Derivation of Duality between a Free Dirac Cone and Quantum Electrodynamics in () Dimensions
DF Mross, J Alicea, OI Motrunich
Physical review letters 117 (1), 016802, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
The half-filled Landau level: The case for Dirac composite fermions
SD Geraedts, MP Zaletel, RSK Mong, MA Metlitski, A Vishwanath, ...
Science 352 (6282), 197-201, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Natural Sciences …
-pairing states as true scars in an extended Hubbard model
DK Mark, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 102 (7), 075132, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation
Slow thermalization of exact quantum many-body scar states under perturbations
CJ Lin, A Chandran, OI Motrunich
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033044, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation
Ising ferromagnet to valence bond solid transition in a one-dimensional spin chain: Analogies to deconfined quantum critical points
S Jiang, O Motrunich
Physical Review B 99 (7), 075103, 2019
委任: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Quasiparticle explanation of the weak-thermalization regime under quench in a nonintegrable quantum spin chain
CJ Lin, OI Motrunich
Physical Review A 95 (2), 023621, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation
Symmetry and duality in bosonization of two-dimensional Dirac fermions
DF Mross, J Alicea, OI Motrunich
Physical Review X 7 (4), 041016, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Deconfined quantum critical point in one dimension
B Roberts, S Jiang, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 99 (16), 165143, 2019
委任: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Numerical exploration of trial wave functions for the particle-hole-symmetric Pfaffian
RV Mishmash, DF Mross, J Alicea, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 98 (8), 081107, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, Gordon and Betty …
Continuous Mott transition between a metal and a quantum spin liquid
RV Mishmash, I González, RG Melko, OI Motrunich, MPA Fisher
Physical Review B 91 (23), 235140, 2015
委任: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Government of Spain
From symmetries to commutant algebras in standard Hamiltonians
S Moudgalya, OI Motrunich
Annals of Physics 455, 169384, 2023
委任: US National Science Foundation
Exact eigenstates in the Lesanovsky model, proximity to integrability and the PXP model, and approximate scar states
DK Mark, CJ Lin, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 101 (9), 094308, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation
Out-of-time-ordered correlators in short-range and long-range hard-core boson models and in the Luttinger-liquid model
CJ Lin, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 98 (13), 134305, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Weak integrability breaking perturbations of integrable models
FM Surace, O Motrunich
Physical Review Research 5 (4), 043019, 2023
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Entanglement entropy of composite Fermi liquid states on the lattice: In support of the Widom formula
RV Mishmash, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 94 (8), 081110, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
Explicit construction of quasiconserved local operator of translationally invariant nonintegrable quantum spin chain in prethermalization
CJ Lin, OI Motrunich
Physical Review B 96 (21), 214301, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
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