M.R. Jahed-Motlagh
Stabilization of a CSTR with two arbitrarily switching modes using modal state feedback linearization
MB Yazdi, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Chemical Engineering Journal 155 (3), 838-843, 2009
Nonlinear model predictive control of a pH neutralization process based on Wiener–Laguerre model
S Mahmoodi, J Poshtan, MR Jahed-Motlagh, A Montazeri
Chemical Engineering Journal 146 (3), 328-337, 2009
Nonlinear predictive control of a polymerization reactor based on piecewise linear Wiener model
G Shafiee, MM Arefi, MR Jahed-Motlagh, AA Jalali
Chemical Engineering Journal 143 (1-3), 282-292, 2008
Improved adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller for robust fault tolerant of a quadrotor
S Barghandan, MA Badamchizadeh, MR Jahed-Motlagh
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 15, 427-441, 2017
Robust control and modeling a 2-DOF inertial stabilized platform
H Khodadadi, MRJ Motlagh, M Gorji
International Conference on Electrical, Control and Computer Engineering …, 2011
Piecewise affine modeling and control of a boiler–turbine unit
M Keshavarz, MB Yazdi, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (8-9), 781-791, 2010
Wiener-neural identification and predictive control of a more realistic plug-flow tubular reactor
MM Arefi, A Montazeri, J Poshtan, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Chemical Engineering Journal 138 (1-3), 274-282, 2008
Analysis and circuitry realization of a novel three-dimensional chaotic system
A Abooee, HA Yaghini-Bonabi, MR Jahed-Motlagh
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 (5), 1235-1245, 2013
Adaptive neural stabilizing controller for a class of mismatched uncertain nonlinear systems by state and output feedback
MM Arefi, MR Jahed-Motlagh, HR Karimi
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 45 (8), 1587-1596, 2014
Designing PID and BELBIC controllers in path tracking problem
S Jafarzadeh, R Mirheidari, MRJ Motlagh, M Barkhordari
International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control 3, 343-348, 2008
Application of a new multi-variable feedback linearization method for improvement of power systems transient stability
A Kazemi, MRJ Motlagh, AH Naghshbandy
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 29 (4), 322-328, 2007
A socially-based distributed self-organizing algorithm for holonic multi-agent systems: Case study in a task environment
A Esmaeili, N Mozayani, MRJ Motlagh, ET Matson
Cognitive Systems Research 43, 21-44, 2017
Robust control of an active suspension system with actuator time delay by predictor feedback
K Karim Afshar, A Javadi, MR Jahed‐Motlagh
IET Control Theory & Applications 12 (7), 1012-1023, 2018
An adaptive speckle suppression filter based on Nakagami distribution
S Ghofrani, MR Jahed-Motlagh, A Ayatollahi
EUROCON'2001. International Conference on Trends in Communications …, 2001
Observer‐based adaptive neural control of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with unknown control direction
MM Arefi, MR Jahed‐Motlagh
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 27 (9), 741-754, 2013
Quality of service support for ODMRP unicast routing in ad hoc networks
A Darehshoorzadeh, MRJ Motlagh, M Dehghan
International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (ICDT'06), 47-47, 2006
Nonlinear model predictive control of chemical processes with a Wiener identification approach
MM Arefi, A Montazeri, J Poshtan, MR Jahed-Motlagh
2006 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 1735-1740, 2006
Robust stabilization for uncertain switched neutral systems with interval time-varying mixed delays
H Ghadiri, MR Jahed-Motlagh, MB Yazdi
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 13, 2-21, 2014
Synchronization of different-order chaotic systems: Adaptive active vs. optimal control
F Motallebzadeh, MRJ Motlagh, ZR Cherati
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 17 (9), 3643-3657, 2012
Intelligent autopilot control design for a 2-DOF helicopter model
S Jafarzadeh, R Mirheidari, MRJ Motlagh, M Barkhordari
International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control 3 (SUPPL. ISSUE …, 2008
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