Charlei Aparecido da Silva
Charlei Aparecido da Silva
確認したメール アドレス: ufgd.edu.br - ホームページ
Growing knowledge: an overview of seed plant diversity in Brazil
BFG-The Brazil Flora Group, DC Zappi, FLR Filardi, P Leitman, VC Souza, ...
Rodriguésia 66 (4), 1085-1113, 2015
Evolution and epidemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil
DS Candido, IM Claro, JG De Jesus, WM Souza, FRR Moreira, ...
Science 369 (6508), 1255-1260, 2020
Juvenile localized scleroderma: clinical and epidemiological features in 750 children. An international study
F Zulian, BH Athreya, R Laxer, AM Nelson, SK Feitosa de Oliveira, ...
Rheumatology 45 (5), 614-620, 2006
Brazilian Flora 2020: innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)
FLR Filardi, F Barros, JFA Baumgratz, CEM Bicudo, TB Cavalcanti, ...
Rodriguésia 69, 1513-1527, 2018
The DEMO wall load challenge
R Wenninger, R Albanese, R Ambrosino, F Arbeiter, J Aubert, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (4), 046002, 2017
Risk factors associated with the death of patients hospitalized for juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus
MMM Faco, C Leone, LMA Campos, MV Febrônio, HHS Marques, ...
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 40, 993-1002, 2007
Physical, ecological and human dimensions of environmental change in Brazil's Pantanal wetland: Synthesis and research agenda
C Schulz, BS Whitney, OC Rossetto, DM Neves, L Crabb, EC de Oliveira, ...
Science of the Total Environment 687, 1011-1027, 2019
Complement and antibody primary immunodeficiency in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus patients
AA Jesus, BL Liphaus, CA Silva, SY Bando, LEC Andrade, A Coutinho, ...
Lupus 20 (12), 1275-1284, 2011
Evaluation of waterborne exposure to oil spill 5 years after an accident in Southern Brazil
CA Silva, CAO Ribeiro, A Katsumiti, MLP Araújo, EM Zandoná, GPC Silva, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72 (2), 400-409, 2009
Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research
RL Carvalho, AF Resende, J Barlow, FM França, MR Moura, R Maciel, ...
Current Biology 33 (16), 3495-3504. e4, 2023
Uso de resíduos orgânicos na agricultura
CA Silva
Fundamentos da matéria orgânica do solo: ecossistemas tropicais e …, 2008
Análises químicas para avaliação da fertilidade do solo
FC Silva, PA Eira, B Van Raij, CA Silva, CA Abreu, C Gianello, DV Pérez, ...
Manual de análise química de solos, plantas e fertilizantes. Brasília …, 1999
Métodos de análises químicas para avaliação da fertilidade do solo.
FC da Silva, MF de Abreu, DV PEREZ, CA de ABREU, BV RAIJ, ...
Safety and immunogenicity of anti-SARS CoV-2 vaccine SOBERANA 02 in homologous or heterologous scheme: Open label phase I and phase IIa clinical trials
M Eugenia-Toledo-Romaní, L Verdecia-Sánchez, M Rodríguez-González, ...
Vaccine 40 (31), 4220-4230, 2022
Immune response and tolerability of varicella vaccine in children and adolescents with systemic lupus erythematosus previously exposed to varicella-zoster virus.
CM Barbosa, MT Terreri, PO Rosário, MI de Moraes-Pinto, CA Silva, ...
Clinical and experimental rheumatology 30 (5), 791-798, 2012
A population-based study of drug resistance and transmission of tuberculosis in an urban community
MAS Telles, L Ferrazoli, EA Waldman, CMS Giampaglia, MC Martins, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 9 (9), 970-976, 2005
Does sperm quality and DNA integrity differ in cryopreserved semen samples from young, adult, and aged Nellore bulls?
JT Carreira, JT Trevizan, IR Carvalho, B Kipper, LH Rodrigues, C Silva, ...
Basic and clinical andrology 27, 1-8, 2017
Turismo de Natureza ou na Natureza ou Ecoturismo? Reflexões e contribuições sobre um tema em constante debate
PC Martins, CA da Silva
Revista Turismo em Análise 29 (3), 487-505, 2018
Anti‐C1q antibodies in juvenile‐onset systemic lupus erythematosus
AA Jesus, CA Silva, M Carneiro‐Sampaio, M Sheinberg, CL Mangueira, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1173 (1), 235-238, 2009
Análise sistêmica, turismo de natureza e planejamento ambiental de Brotas: proposta metodológica
Campinas-SP. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia)–Universidade de Campinas, Campinas, 2006
論文 1–20