Ernane Antônio Alves Coelho
Ernane Antônio Alves Coelho
確認したメール アドレス: ufu.br - ホームページ
Review of active and reactive power sharing strategies in hierarchical controlled microgrids
Y Han, H Li, P Shen, EAA Coelho, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (3), 2427-2451, 2016
Small-signal stability for parallel-connected inverters in stand-alone AC supply systems
EAA Coelho, PC Cortizo, PFD Garcia
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 38 (2), 533-542, 2002
MAS-based distributed coordinated control and optimization in microgrid and microgrid clusters: A comprehensive overview
Y Han, K Zhang, H Li, EAA Coelho, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 33 (8), 6488-6508, 2017
Small-signal analysis of the microgrid secondary control considering a communication time delay
EA Coelho, D Wu, JM Guerrero, JC Vasquez, T Dragic̆ević, C Stefanović, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (10), 6257-6269, 2016
Small signal stability for single phase inverter connected to stiff AC system
EAA Coelho, PC Cortizo, PFD Garcia
Conference record of the 1999 IEEE industry applications conference. Thirty …, 1999
Multiagent-based distributed state of charge balancing control for distributed energy storage units in AC microgrids
C Li, EAA Coelho, T Dragicevic, JM Guerrero, JC Vasquez
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (3), 2369-2381, 2016
Modeling and stability analysis of $ LCL $-type grid-connected inverters: A comprehensive overview
Y Han, M Yang, H Li, P Yang, L Xu, EAA Coelho, JM Guerrero
IEEE Access 7, 114975-115001, 2019
A state equation model of a single-phase grid-connected inverter using a droop control scheme with extra phase shift control action
HJ Avelar, WA Parreira, JB Vieira, LCG de Freitas, EAA Coelho
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (3), 1527-1537, 2011
A quasi-resonant quadratic boost converter using a single resonant network
LHSC Barreto, EAA Coelho, VJ Farias, JC De Oliveira, LC De Freitas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (2), 552-557, 2005
Containment and consensus-based distributed coordination control to achieve bounded voltage and precise reactive power sharing in islanded AC microgrids
R Han, L Meng, G Ferrari-Trecate, EAA Coelho, JC Vasquez, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (6), 5187-5199, 2017
Control architecture for parallel-connected inverters in uninterruptible power systems
C Zhang, JM Guerrero, JC Vasquez, EAA Coelho
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (7), 5176-5188, 2015
A proposal of Led Lamp Driver for universal input using Cuk converter
JR De Britto, AE Demian, LC De Freitas, VJ Farias, EAA Coelho, JB Vieira
2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2640-2644, 2008
A high power factor ballast using a single switch with both power stages integrated
AS De Morais, VJ Farias, LC de Freitas, EAA Coelho, JB Vieira
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 21 (2), 524-531, 2006
An electronic ballast with high power factor and low voltage stress
JJA Vilela, AR Vaz, VJ Farias, LC De Freitas, EAA Coelho, JJB Vieira
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 41 (4), 917-926, 2005
Stand-alone photovoltaic energy storage system with maximum power point tracking
VA Pacheco, LC Freitas, JB Vieira, EAA Coelho, VJ Farias
Eighteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2003
An optimal lossless commutation quadratic PWM boost converter
LHSC Barreto, EAA Coelho, VJ Farias, LC de Freitas, JB Vieira
APEC. Seventeenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2002
Proposal of a photovoltaic AC-module with a single-stage transformerless grid-connected boost microinverter
FC Melo, LS Garcia, LC de Freitas, EAA Coelho, VJ Farias, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65 (3), 2289-2301, 2017
Differential-evolution-based optimization of the dynamic response for parallel operation of inverters with no controller interconnection
RB Godoy, JOP Pinto, CA Canesin, EA Coelho, AMAC Pinto
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 59 (7), 2859-2866, 2011
Dual transformerless single-stage current source inverter with energy management control strategy
LS Garcia, GM Buiatti, LC de Freitas, EAA Coelho, VJ Farias, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (10), 4644-4656, 2012
Proposal of a soft-switching single-phase three-level rectifier
FL Tofoli, EAA Coelho, LC de Freitas, VJ Farias, JB Vieira
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (1), 107-113, 2008
論文 1–20