Matthias Steinhauser
Matthias Steinhauser
Professor der Physik, KIT
確認したメール アドレス: kit.edu
arXiv: Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector
D de Florian, D Fontes, J Quevillon, M Schumacher, FJ Llanes-Estrada, ...
Cern, 2016
Estimate of at
M Misiak, HM Asatrian, K Bieri, M Czakon, A Czarnecki, T Ewerth, ...
Physical review letters 98 (2), 022002, 2007
RunDec: A Mathematica package for running and decoupling of the strong coupling and quark masses
KG Chetyrkin, JH Kühn, M Steinhauser
Computer Physics Communications 133 (1), 43-65, 2000
The physics of the B factories
A Bevan, B Golob, T Mannel, S Prell, B Yabsley
Springer Nature, 2017
B s, d→ ℓ+ ℓ− in the Standard Model with Reduced Theoretical Uncertainty
C Bobeth, M Gorbahn, T Hermann, M Misiak, E Stamou, M Steinhauser
Physical review letters 112 (10), 101801, 2014
Decoupling relations to O (αs3) and their connection to low-energy theorems
KG Chetyrkin, BA Kniehl, M Steinhauser
Nuclear Physics B 510 (1-2), 61-87, 1998
Hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment to next-to-next-to-leading order
A Kurz, T Liu, P Marquard, M Steinhauser
Physics Letters B 734, 144-147, 2014
Strong coupling constant with flavor thresholds at four loops in the modified minimal-subtraction scheme
KG Chetyrkin, BA Kniehl, M Steinhauser
Physical Review Letters 79 (12), 2184, 1997
Updated Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Predictions for the Weak Radiative -Meson Decays
M Misiak, HM Asatrian, R Boughezal, M Czakon, T Ewerth, A Ferroglia, ...
Physical review letters 114 (22), 221801, 2015
The relation between the MS¯ and the on-shell quark mass at order αs3
KG Chetyrkin, M Steinhauser
Nuclear Physics B 573 (3), 617-651, 2000
Corrections of O (ααs) to the decay of the Z boson into bottom quarks
R Harlander, T Seidensticker, M Steinhauser
Physics Letters B 426 (1-2), 125-132, 1998
NNLO QCD corrections to the B→ Xsγ matrix elements using interpolation in mc
M Misiak, M Steinhauser
Nuclear Physics B 764 (1-2), 62-82, 2007
Three-loop polarization function and O (αs2) corrections to the production of heavy quarks
KG Chetyrkin, JH Kühn, M Steinhauser
Nuclear Physics B 482 (1-2), 213-240, 1996
Finite top quark mass effects in NNLO Higgs boson production at LHC
A Pak, M Rogal, M Steinhauser
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (2), 1-15, 2010
Four-loop decoupling relations for the strong coupling
Y Schröder, M Steinhauser
Journal of High Energy Physics 2006 (01), 051, 2006
Charm and bottom quark masses: an update
KG Chetyrkin, JH Kühn, A Maier, P Maierhöfer, P Marquard, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (7), 074010, 2009
Hadronic Higgs Boson Decay to Order
KG Chetyrkin, BA Kniehl, M Steinhauser
Physical Review Letters 79 (3), 353, 1997
Weak radiative decays of the B meson and bounds on in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
M Misiak, M Steinhauser
The European Physical Journal C 77 (3), 1-9, 2017
MATAD: A Program package for the computation of MAssive TADpoles
M Steinhauser
Computer physics communications 134 (3), 335-364, 2001
Short-Distance Mass of a Heavy Quark at Order
KG Chetyrkin, M Steinhauser
Physical Review Letters 83 (20), 4001, 1999
論文 1–20