Ok-Youn Yu
Impact of biochar on the water holding capacity of loamy sand soil
OY Yu, B Raichle, S Sink
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 4, 1-9, 2013
Realtime monitoring of bridge scour using remote monitoring technology
JL Briaud, S Hurlebaus, KA Chang, C Yao, H Sharma, OY Yu, C Darby, ...
Texas Transportation Institute, 2011
Characterization of biochar and its effects on the water holding capacity of loamy sand soil: Comparison of hemlock biochar and switchblade grass biochar characteristics
OY Yu, M Harper, M Hoepfl, D Domermuth
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 36 (5), 1474-1479, 2017
Sensitivity analysis for multi‐attribute system selection problems in onshore Environmentally Friendly Drilling (EFD)
OY Yu, SD Guikema, JL Briaud, D Burnett
Systems engineering 15 (2), 153-171, 2012
Drilling expert system for the optimal design and execution of successful cementing practices
AS Al-Yami, J Schubert, Z Medina-Cetina, OY Yu
IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition?, SPE …, 2010
Scour monitoring development for two bridges in Texas
C Yao, C Darby, S Hurlebaus, GR Price, H Sharma, BE Hunt, OY Yu, ...
Scour and Erosion, 958-967, 2010
Motion sensors for scour monitoring: laboratory experiment with a shallow foundation
C Yao, C Darby, OY Yu, S Hurlebaus, KA Chang, J Price, B Hunt, ...
GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling & Design, 970-979, 2010
Motion sensors for scour monitoring: Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations
JL Briaud, C Yao, C Darby, H Sharma, S Hurlebaus, GR Price, K Chang, ...
Transportation Research Board (TRB) 89th Annual Meeting, 10-14, 2010
Quantitative decision tools for system selection in environmentally friendly drilling
OY Yu, SD Guikema, JL Briaud, D Burnett
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 28 (3), 185-208, 2011
Realtime monitoring of bridge scour using remote monitoring technology, Austin, TX
JL Briaud, S Hurlebaus, KA Chang, C Yao, H Sharma, OY Yu, GR Price
Integrated approach for the optimal selection of environmentally friendly drilling systems
OY Yu, Z Medina-Cetina, SD Guikema, JL Briaud, D Burnett
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering 3, 1-18, 2012
Towards an Uncertainty-Based Design of Foundations for Onshore Oil and Gas Environmentally Friendly Drilling (EFD) Systems
OY Yu, Z Medina-Cetina, JL Briaud
Geo-Frontiers 2011: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering, 172-181, 2011
Systems approach and quantitative decision tools for technology selection in environmentally friendly drilling
OY Yu, SD Guikema, JE Bickel, JL Briaud, DB Burnett
SPE Health, Safety, Security, Environment, & Social Responsibility …, 2009
Realtime monitoring of bridge scour using remote monitoring technology. 2011
JL Briaud, S Hurlebaus, KA Chang, C Yao, H Sharma, OY Yu, C Darby, ...
Texas Transportation Institute, 2011
Well design for environmentally friendly drilling systems: using a graduate student drilling class team challenge to identify options for reducing impacts
DB Burnett, OKY Yu, JJ Schubert
SPE/IADC Drilling Conference and Exhibition, SPE-119297-MS, 2009
A case study for the effectiveness of solar-powered attic ventilation fans
OY Yu, S Moore
Energy Efficiency 8, 691-698, 2015
Case study: promoting sustainable energy greenhouse heating systems to small-scale local farms
J Ferrell, OY Yu, H Kim
J Agric Sci Technol A 10, 165-180, 2020
NEXUS: Integrated sustainable energy for enhancing farm productivity
OY Yu, J Ferrell, HY Kim, J Houser
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 188 (1), 012012, 2018
BIM Model View Definition (MVD) for disassembly planning of buildings
B Sanchez, S Halder, RK Soman, OKY Yu
Development of a Drilling Expert System for Designing and Applying Successful Cement Jobs
AS Al-Yami, J Schubert, Z Medina-Cetina, OY Yu
IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, 2010
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