Andreas Charitou
Andreas Charitou
Dean, School of Economics and management, University of Cyprus
確認したメール アドレス: ucy.ac.cy
Predicting corporate failure: empirical evidence for the UK
A Charitou, E Neophytou, C Charalambous
European accounting review 13 (3), 465-497, 2004
Earnings behaviour of financially distressed firms: The role of institutional ownership
A Charitou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
Abacus 43 (3), 271-296, 2007
Comparative analysis of artificial neural network models: Application in bankruptcy prediction
C Charalambous, A Charitou, F Kaourou
Annals of operations research 99 (1), 403-425, 2000
The effect of earnings permanence, growth, and firm size on the usefulness of cash flows and earnings in explaining security returns: Empirical evidence for the UK
A Charitou, C Clubb, A Andreou
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 28 (5‐6), 563-594, 2001
Managerial discretion in distressed firms
A Charitou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
The British Accounting Review 39 (4), 323-346, 2007
The value relevance of earnings and cash flows: Empirical evidence for Japan
A Charitou, C Clubb, A Andreou
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 11 (1), 1-22, 2000
The association between operating cash flows and dividend changes: an empirical investigation
A Charitou, N Vafeas
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 25 (1‐2), 225-249, 1998
Distress risk, growth and earnings quality
A Charitou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
Abacus 47 (2), 158-181, 2011
Alternative bankruptcy prediction models using option-pricing theory
A Charitou, D Dionysiou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (7), 2329-2341, 2013
Boards, ownership structure, and involuntary delisting from the New York Stock Exchange
A Charitou, C Louca, N Vafeas
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 26 (2), 249-262, 2007
Cross‐listing, bonding hypothesis and corporate governance
A Charitou, C Louca, S Panayides
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 34 (7‐8), 1281-1306, 2007
Option-based bankruptcy prediction
A Charitou, L Trigeorgis
Available at SSRN 248709, 2000
An empirical examination of cash flow measures
A Charitou, E Ketz
Abacus 27 (1), 51-64, 1991
The role of cash flows and accruals in explaining security returns: evidence for the UK
A Charitou
European Accounting Review 6 (4), 629-652, 1997
Earnings, cash flows and security returns over long return intervals: Analysis and UK evidence
A Charitou, C Clubb
Journal of business finance & accounting 26 (3‐4), 283-312, 1999
Size and book-to-market factors in earnings and stock returns: empirical evidence for Japan
A Charitou, E Constantinidis
Illinois International Accounting Summer Conferences Working Paper, 2004
Financial analysis, future earnings and cash flows, and the prediction of stock returns: Evidence for the UK
A Charitou, G Panagiotides
Accounting and business research 29 (4), 281-298, 1999
Cross‐listing and operating performance: evidence from exchange‐listed American Depositary Receipts
A Charitou, C Louca
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 36 (1‐2), 99-129, 2009
Valuation of earnings, cash flows and their components: an empirical investigation
A Charitou, JE Ketz
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 5 (4), 475-497, 1990
Dividend increases and initiations and default risk in equity returns
A Charitou, N Lambertides, G Theodoulou
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 46 (5), 1521-1543, 2011
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