オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Isabelle Puaut詳細
一般公開: 19 件
On the comparison of deterministic and probabilistic WCET estimation techniques
J Abella, D Hardy, I Puaut, E Quinones, FJ Cazorla
2014 26th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 266-275, 2014
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Tightening contention delays while scheduling parallel applications on multi-core architectures
B Rouxel, S Derrien, I Puaut
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 16 (5s), 1-20, 2017
委任: European Commission
Hiding communication delays in contention-free execution for spm-based multi-core architectures
B Rouxel, S Skalistis, S Derrien, I Puaut
ECRTS 2019-31st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 1-24, 2019
委任: European Commission
Traceability of flow information: Reconciling compiler optimizations and WCET estimation
H Li, I Puaut, E Rohou
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2014
委任: European Commission
Cache-persistence-aware response-time analysis for fixed-priority preemptive systems
SA Rashid, G Nelissen, D Hardy, B Akesson, I Puaut, E Tovar
2016 28th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), 262-272, 2016
委任: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, European Commission
Probabilistic WCET estimation in presence of hardware for mitigating the impact of permanent faults
D Hardy, I Puaut, Y Sazeides
2016 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 91-96, 2016
委任: European Commission
Quantifying WCET reduction of parallel applications by introducing slack time to limit resource contention
S Martinez, D Hardy, I Puaut
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2017
委任: European Commission
Wcet-aware parallelization of model-based applications for multi-cores: The argo approach
S Derrien, I Puaut, P Alefragis, M Bednara, H Bucher, C David, Y Debray, ...
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2017 …, 2017
委任: European Commission
Cache-conscious off-line real-time scheduling for multi-core platforms: algorithms and implementation
VA Nguyen, D Hardy, I Puaut
Real-Time Systems 55, 810-849, 2019
委任: European Commission
Speeding up static probabilistic timing analysis
S Milutinovic, J Abella, D Hardy, E Quinones, I Puaut, FJ Cazorla
Architecture of Computing Systems–ARCS 2015: 28th International Conference …, 2015
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Reconciling compiler optimizations and wcet estimation using iterative compilation
M Dardaillon, S Skalistis, I Puaut, S Derrien
2019 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 133-145, 2019
委任: European Commission
RT-DFI: Optimizing data-flow integrity for real-time systems
N Bellec, G Hiet, S Rokicki, F Tronel, I Puaut
ECRTS 2022-34th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 1-24, 2022
委任: European Commission
Worst-case execution-time-aware parallelization of model-based avionics applications
S Reder, F Kempf, H Bucher, J Becker, P Alefragis, N Voros, S Skalistis, ...
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 16 (11), 521-533, 2019
委任: European Commission
Impact of DM-LRU on WCET: a static analysis approach
R Mancuso, H Yun, I Puaut
Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), 2019
委任: US National Science Foundation
Fine-grain iterative compilation for wcet estimation
I Puaut, M Dardaillon, C Cullmann, G Gebhard, S Derrien
WCET 2018-18th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis …, 2018
委任: European Commission
A time-predictable branch predictor
M Schoeberl, B Rouxel, I Puaut
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 607-616, 2019
委任: Danish Council for Independent Research
Using polyhedral techniques to tighten wcet estimates of optimized code: a case study with array contraction
T Lefeuvre, I Fassi, C Cullmann, G Gebhard, EK Kasnakli, I Puaut, ...
2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 925-930, 2018
委任: European Commission
WORTEX: Worst-Case Execution Time and Energy Estimation in Low-Power Microprocessors using Explainable ML
H Reymond, AN Amalou, I Puaut
22nd International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2024 …, 2024
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Marmot: Extraction of Fine-Grain Memory Access Profiles for real-time software
H Chabot, I Puaut, T Carle, H Cassé
Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2024
委任: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
公開と助成金に関する情報は、コンピュータ プログラムによって自動的に決定されます