Vee Sin Peter Lee
Blast resistance of auxetic and honeycomb sandwich panels: Comparisons and parametric designs
G Imbalzano, S Linforth, TD Ngo, PVS Lee, P Tran
Composite Structures 183, 242-261, 2018
A numerical study of auxetic composite panels under blast loadings
G Imbalzano, P Tran, TD Ngo, PVS Lee
Composite Structures 135, 339-352, 2016
Three-dimensional modelling of auxetic sandwich panels for localised impact resistance
G Imbalzano, P Tran, TD Ngo, PVS Lee
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 19 (3), 291-316, 2017
Finite element analysis of moment-rotation relationships for human cervical spine
QH Zhang, EC Teo, HW Ng, VS Lee
Journal of biomechanics 39 (1), 189-193, 2006
An investigation of lower extremity energy dissipation strategies during single-leg and double-leg landing based on sagittal and frontal plane biomechanics
CH Yeow, PVS Lee, JCH Goh
Human movement science 30 (3), 624-635, 2011
A personalized 3D-printed prosthetic joint replacement for the human temporomandibular joint: From implant design to implantation
DC Ackland, D Robinson, M Redhead, PVS Lee, A Moskaljuk, ...
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 69, 404-411, 2017
Sagittal knee joint kinematics and energetics in response to different landing heights and techniques
CH Yeow, PVS Lee, JCH Goh
The Knee 17 (2), 127-131, 2010
Effect of landing height on frontal plane kinematics, kinetics and energy dissipation at lower extremity joints
CH Yeow, PVS Lee, JCH Goh
Journal of biomechanics 42 (12), 1967-1973, 2009
Effects of internal stress concentrations in plantar soft-tissue—a preliminary three-dimensional finite element analysis
WM Chen, T Lee, PVS Lee, JW Lee, SJ Lee
Medical engineering & physics 32 (4), 324-331, 2010
Contributions of the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles to the anterior cruciate ligament loading during single-leg landing
H Mokhtarzadeh, CH Yeow, JCH Goh, D Oetomo, F Malekipour, PVS Lee
Journal of biomechanics 46 (11), 1913-1920, 2013
Subject-specific musculoskeletal modeling in the evaluation of shoulder muscle and joint function
W Wu, PVS Lee, AL Bryant, M Galea, DC Ackland
Journal of Biomechanics 49 (15), 3626-3634, 2016
Regression relationships of landing height with ground reaction forces, knee flexion angles, angular velocities and joint powers during double-leg landing
CH Yeow, PVS Lee, JCH Goh
The Knee 16 (5), 381-386, 2009
Electrochemical detection of nitric oxide on a SWCNT/RTIL composite gel microelectrode
CM Li, J Zang, D Zhan, W Chen, CQ Sun, AL Teo, YT Chua, VS Lee, ...
Electroanalysis: An International Journal Devoted to Fundamental and …, 2006
Bone fatigue and its implications for injuries in racehorses
S Martig, W Chen, PVS Lee, RC Whitton
Equine veterinary journal 46 (4), 408-415, 2014
Investigation of thoracolumbar T12–L1 burst fracture mechanism using finite element method
TX Qiu, KW Tan, VS Lee, EC Teo
Medical engineering & physics 28 (7), 656-664, 2006
Characterisation of the dynamic compressive mechanical properties of cancellous bone from the human cervical spine
VPW Shim, LM Yang, JF Liu, VS Lee
International Journal of Impact Engineering 32 (1-4), 525-540, 2005
Stump-socket interface pressure as an aid to socket design in prostheses for trans-femoral amputees—a preliminary study
VSP Lee, SE Solomonidis, WD Spence
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 1997
Plantar pressure relief under the metatarsal heads–Therapeutic insole design using three-dimensional finite element model of the foot
WM Chen, SJ Lee, PVS Lee
Journal of biomechanics 48 (4), 659-665, 2015
Neck muscle strength across the sagittal and coronal planes: an isometric study
KY Seng, VSL Peter, PM Lam
Clinical Biomechanics 17 (7), 545-547, 2002
Prosthetic sockets fabrication using rapid prototyping technology
P Ng, PSV Lee, JCH Goh
Rapid Prototyping Journal 8 (1), 53-59, 2002
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