V. Coello https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1686-1724
V. Coello https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1686-1724
確認したメール アドレス: cicese.mx - ホームページ
Direct Observation of Localized Second-Harmonic Enhancement<? format?> in Random Metal Nanostructures
SI Bozhevolnyi, J Beermann, V Coello
Physical review letters 90 (19), 197403, 2003
Direct observation of localized dipolar excitations on rough nanostructured surfaces
SI Bozhevolnyi, VA Markel, V Coello, W Kim, VM Shalaev
Physical Review B 58 (17), 11441, 1998
Elastic scattering of surface plasmon polaritons: modeling and experiment
SI Bozhevolnyi, V Coello
Physical review B 58 (16), 10899, 1998
Generation of diffraction-free plasmonic beams with<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> one-dimensional Bessel profiles
CE Garcia-Ortiz, V Coello, Z Han, SI Bozhevolnyi
Optics Letters 38 (6), 905-907, 2013
Biosensing enhancement using passive mixing structures for microarray-based sensors
NS Lynn Jr, JI Martínez-López, M Bocková, P Adam, V Coello, HR Siller, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 54, 506-514, 2014
Partial loss compensation in dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguides at near infra-red wavelengths
C Garcia, V Coello, Z Han, IP Radko, SI Bozhevolnyi
Optics Express 20 (7), 7771-7776, 2012
Statistics of local field intensity enhancements at nanostructured surfaces investigated with a near-field optical microscope
SI Bozhevolnyi, V Coello
Physical Review B 64 (11), 115414, 2001
Engineering nanoparticles with pure high-order multipole scattering
VA Zenin, CE Garcia-Ortiz, AB Evlyukhin, Y Yang, R Malureanu, ...
Acs Photonics 7 (4), 1067-1075, 2020
White light generation and anisotropic damage in gold films near percolation threshold
SM Novikov, C Frydendahl, J Beermann, VA Zenin, N Stenger, V Coello, ...
ACS Photonics 4 (5), 1207-1215, 2017
Modeling of a surface plasmon polariton interferometer
V Coello, T Søndergaard, SI Bozhevolnyi
Optics communications 240 (4-6), 345-350, 2004
Imaging of surface plasmons with a near-field microscope
V Coello, SI Bozhevolnyi, FA Pudonin
Optical Inspection and Micromeasurements II 3098, 536-543, 1997
Three-dimensional ray tracing in spherical and elliptical generalized Luneburg lenses for application in the human eye lens
JE Gómez-Correa, V Coello, A Garza-Rivera, NP Puente, ...
Applied optics 55 (8), 2002-2010, 2016
Green synthesis and characterizations of silver and gold nanoparticles
N Elizondo, P Segovia, V Coello, J Arriaga, S Belmares, A Alcorta, ...
Green Chemistry-Environmentally Benign Approaches 139, 2012
Laser beam quality factor (M²) measured by distorted fresnel zone plates
R Cortés, R Villagómez, V Coello, R López
Revista mexicana de física 54 (4), 279-283, 2008
Plasmonic metasurface Luneburg lens
CE Garcia-Ortiz, R Cortes, JE Gómez-Correa, E Pisano, J Fiutowski, ...
Photonics Research 7 (10), 1112-1118, 2019
Surface plasmon polariton excitation and manipulation by nanoparticle arrays
V Coello, SI Bozhevolnyi
Optics communications 282 (14), 3032-3036, 2009
On-chip spectropolarimetry by fingerprinting with random surface arrays of nanoparticles
Y Chen, F Ding, V Coello, SI Bozhevolnyi
ACS Photonics 5 (5), 1703-1710, 2018
Modeling of nonlinear microscopy of localized field enhancements in random metal nanostructures
J Beermann, SI Bozhevolnyi, V Coello
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (11), 115408, 2006
Surface plasmon polariton localization
V Coello
Surface Review and Letters 15 (06), 867-879, 2008
On the physics of propagating Bessel modes in cylindrical waveguides
JE Gómez-Correa, SE Balderas-Mata, V Coello, NP Puente, ...
American Journal of Physics 85 (5), 341-345, 2017
論文 1–20