What is co-creation? An interactional creation framework and its implications for value creation V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Journal of Business Research 84 (March), 196-205, 2018 | 966 | 2018 |
Brand value co-creation in a digitalized world: An integrative framework and research implications V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan International Journal of Research in Marketing 33 (1), 93-106, 2016 | 692 | 2016 |
The Co-Creation Paradigm V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Stanford University Press, 2014 | 673* | 2014 |
Offerings as Digitalized Interactive Platforms: A Conceptual Framework and Implications V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Journal of Marketing, 2018 | 233 | 2018 |
Strategy and co-creation thinking V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Strategy & Leadership, 2013 | 134 | 2013 |
Consumer-to-consumer interactions in a networked society: Word-of-mouth theory, consumer experiences, and network dynamics K Ozcan Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
The “Interacted” actor in platformed networks: theorizing practices of managerial experience value co-creation V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 35 (7), 1165-1178, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
Digitalized Interactive Platforms: Turning Goods and Services into Retail Co-Creation Experiences V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 11 (1), 18-23, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Word-of-mouth as dialogic discourse: A critical review, synthesis, new perspective, and research agenda K Ozcan, V Ramaswamy Adv. Consum. Res 7, 528-532, 2004 | 20 | 2004 |
İnovasyonun şifresi: birlikte-yaratma paradigması V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Optimist, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Brands as co-creational lived experience ecosystems: an integrative theoretical framework of interactional creation V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation, 47-64, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Modeling word-of-mouth and consumer choice in the network society K Ozcan University of Michigan Business School Working Paper. Ann Arbor, MI, 2001 | 7 | 2001 |
A multiple imputation approach for the analysis of missing data in marketing research V Ramaswamy, TE Raghunathan, SH Cohen, K Ozcan Unpublished working paper, University of Michigan, Department of Business …, 2001 | 6 | 2001 |
CEOs must engage all stakeholders V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Harvard Business Review Onpoint, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Modelling consumer heterogeneity in marketing science K Ozcan Working Paper, Department of Marketing–University of Michigan Business School, 1998 | 5 | 1998 |
How to measure the impact of FSI on sales forecasts KB Kahn, K Ozcan The Journal of Business Forecasting 15 (4), 17, 1996 | 1 | 1996 |
Dynamic Relationality Theory of Creative Transformation: Grounding Machinic Ecosystems in Life-Experiences K Ozcan, V Ramaswamy ELSEVIER-HEALTH SCIENCE, 2025 | | 2025 |
3. Brands as co-creational lived experience ecosystems: an integrative theoretical V Ramaswamy, K Ozcan Research Handbook on Brand Co-Creation: Theory, Practice and Ethical …, 2022 | | 2022 |
Service Value as an Agential Cocreation K Ozcan, K Ramaswamy AMA Summer Educators' Proceedings 26, N-12, 2015 | | 2015 |
Word-of-Mouth as Dialogic Discourse K Ozcan, V Ramaswamy University of Michigan Business School Working Papers, 2004 | | 2004 |