Iman Sourinejad, Iman Sourinezhad
Iman Sourinejad, Iman Sourinezhad
Professor of Fisheries, Hormozgan University
確認したメール アドレス: hormozgan.ac.ir
Application of zeolites in aquaculture industry: a review
Z Ghasemi, I Sourinejad, H Kazemian, S Rohani
Reviews in Aquaculture 10 (1), 75-95, 2018
Nursery performance of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) cultivated in a biofloc system: the effect of adding different carbon sources
MH Khanjani, MM Sajjadi, M Alizadeh, I Sourinejad
Aquaculture Research 48 (4), 1491-1501, 2017
Effects of different carbon to nitrogen ratios in the biofloc system on water quality, growth, and body composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fingerlings
K Minabi, I Sourinejad, M Alizadeh, ER Ghatrami, MH Khanjani
Aquaculture International 28, 1883-1898, 2020
Dietary cosupplementation with curcumin and different selenium sources (nanoparticulate, organic, and inorganic selenium): influence on growth performance, body composition …
AJ Kohshahi, I Sourinejad, M Sarkheil, SA Johari
Fish physiology and biochemistry 45, 793-804, 2019
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles affect the toxicity of silver nanoparticles in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
F Haghighat, Y Kim, I Sourinejad, IJ Yu, SA Johari
Chemosphere 262, 127805, 2021
Study on nursery growth performance of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931) under different feeding levels in zero water exchange system
MH Khanjani, MM Sajjadi, M Alizadeh, I Sourinejad
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 15 (4), 1465-1484, 2016
The effects of diet supplementation with inorganic and nanoparticulate iron and copper on growth performance, blood biochemical parameters, antioxidant response and immune …
A Afshari, I Sourinejad, A Gharaei, SA Johari, Z Ghasemi
Aquaculture 539, 736638, 2021
Effects of restricted feeding levels and stocking densities on water quality, growth performance, body composition and mucosal innate immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis …
HS Aliabad, A Naji, SRS Mortezaei, I Sourinejad, A Akbarzadeh
Aquaculture 546, 737320, 2022
Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from the Mangrove Rhizophora mucronata: Its Characterization and Antibacterial Potential
V Abdi, I Sourinejad, M Yousefzadi, Z Ghasemi
Iranian journal of science and technology, transactions A: Science 43, 2163-2171, 2019
Mangrove-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles using native Avicennia marina plant extract from southern Iran
V Abdi, I Sourinejad, M Yousefzadi, Z Ghasemi
Chemical Engineering Communications 205 (8), 1069-1076, 2018
Effect of different dietary zinc sources (mineral, nanoparticulate, and organic) on quantitative and qualitative semen attributes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
E Kazemi, I Sourinejad, A Ghaedi, SA Johari, Z Ghasemi
Aquaculture 515, 734529, 2020
Phylogeography, genetic structure, and conservation of the endangered Caspian brown trout, Salmo trutta caspius (Kessler, 1877), from Iran
M Vera, I Sourinejad, C Bouza, R Vilas, A Pino-Querido, MR Kalbassi, ...
Hydrobiologia 664, 51-67, 2011
Green fabrication of Ag/AgCl@ TiO2 superior plasmonic nanocomposite: biosynthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity under sunlight
Z Ghasemi, V Abdi, I Sourinejad
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 841, 155593, 2020
Antifouling and antibacterial activities of bioactive extracts from different organs of the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota
M Darya, MM Sajjadi, M Yousefzadi, I Sourinejad, M Zarei
Helgoland Marine Research 74, 1-13, 2020
The effects of different stocking densities on nursery performance of Banana shrimp (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) reared under biofloc condition
MH Khanjani, J Eslami, G Ghaedi, I Sourinejad
Annals of Animal Science 22 (4), 1291-1299, 2022
Application of silver nanoparticles immobilized on TEPA-Den-SiO2 as water filter media for bacterial disinfection in culture of Penaeid shrimp larvae
M Sarkheil, I Sourinejad, M Mirbakhsh, D Kordestani, SA Johari
Aquacultural Engineering 74, 17-29, 2016
A simple and effective synthesis of magnetic γ-Fe2O3@SiO2@TiO2–Ag microspheres as a recyclable photocatalyst: dye degradation and antibacterial potential
B Dabirvaziri, MH Givianrad, I Sourinejad, AM Moradi, PG Mostafavi
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 17, 949-960, 2019
Antibacterial activity of immobilized silver nanoparticles on TEPA‐Den‐SiO2 against shrimp pathogen, Vibrio sp. Persian1
M Sarkheil, I Sourinejad, M Mirbakhsh, D Kordestani, SA Johari
Aquaculture Research 48 (5), 2120-2132, 2017
Single-step biosynthesis of Ag/AgCl@TiO2 plasmonic nanocomposite with enhanced visible light photoactivity through aqueous leaf extract of a mangrove tree
Z Ghasemi, V Abdi, I Sourinejad
Applied Nanoscience 10, 507-516, 2020
Growth performance, haemato‐immunological responses and antioxidant status of Pacific white shrimp Penaeus vannamei fed with turmeric powder, curcumin and …
H Moghadam, I Sourinejad, SA Johari
Aquaculture Nutrition 27 (6), 2294-2306, 2021
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