Richard V. Milani
Richard V. Milani
Sutter Health
確認したメール アドレス: sutterhealth.org - ホームページ
Obesity and cardiovascular disease: risk factor, paradox, and impact of weight loss
CJ Lavie, RV Milani, HO Ventura
Journal of the American college of cardiology 53 (21), 1925-1932, 2009
Clinician’s guide to cardiopulmonary exercise testing in adults: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
GJ Balady, R Arena, K Sietsema, J Myers, L Coke, GF Fletcher, D Forman, ...
Circulation 122 (2), 191-225, 2010
Exercise and the cardiovascular system: clinical science and cardiovascular outcomes
CJ Lavie, R Arena, DL Swift, NM Johannsen, X Sui, D Lee, CP Earnest, ...
Circulation research 117 (2), 207-219, 2015
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and cardiovascular diseases
CJ Lavie, RV Milani, MR Mehra, HO Ventura
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 54 (7), 585-594, 2009
Atherosclerotic vascular disease conference: writing group III: pathophysiology
DP Faxon, V Fuster, P Libby, JA Beckman, WR Hiatt, RW Thompson, ...
Circulation 109 (21), 2617-2625, 2004
Obesity and cardiovascular diseases: implications regarding fitness, fatness, and severity in the obesity paradox
CJ Lavie, PA McAuley, TS Church, RV Milani, SN Blair
Journal of the American college of cardiology 63 (14), 1345-1354, 2014
An overview and update on obesity and the obesity paradox in cardiovascular diseases
A Elagizi, S Kachur, CJ Lavie, S Carbone, A Pandey, FB Ortega, ...
Progress in cardiovascular diseases 61 (2), 142-150, 2018
Impact of obesity and the obesity paradox on prevalence and prognosis in heart failure
CJ Lavie, MA Alpert, R Arena, MR Mehra, RV Milani, HO Ventura
JACC: Heart Failure 1 (2), 93-102, 2013
Characterizing the young patient with aortic dissection: results from the International Registry of Aortic Dissection (IRAD)
JL Januzzi, EM Isselbacher, R Fattori, JV Cooper, DE Smith, J Fang, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 43 (4), 665-669, 2004
Androgen-deprivation therapy in prostate cancer and cardiovascular risk: a science advisory from the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and American …
GN Levine, AV D'Amico, P Berger, PE Clark, RH Eckel, NL Keating, ...
Circulation 121 (6), 833-840, 2010
Body composition and prognosis in chronic systolic heart failure: the obesity paradox
CJ Lavie, AF Osman, RV Milani, MR Mehra
American Journal of Cardiology 91 (7), 891-894, 2003
Obesity and prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and prognosis—the obesity paradox updated
CJ Lavie, A De Schutter, P Parto, E Jahangir, P Kokkinos, FB Ortega, ...
Progress in cardiovascular diseases 58 (5), 537-547, 2016
Impact of cardiac rehabilitation on depression and its associated mortality
RV Milani, CJ Lavie
The American journal of medicine 120 (9), 799-806, 2007
Exercise training and cardiac rehabilitation in primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease
CJ Lavie, RJ Thomas, RW Squires, TG Allison, RV Milani
Mayo Clinic Proceedings 84 (4), 373-383, 2009
Physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, and exercise training in primary and secondary coronary prevention
DL Swift, CJ Lavie, NM Johannsen, R Arena, CP Earnest, JH O’Keefe, ...
Circulation Journal 77 (2), 281-292, 2013
Benefits of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training in secondary coronary prevention in the elderly
CJ Lavie, RV Milani, AB Littman
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 22 (3), 678-683, 1993
Reduction in C-reactive protein through cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training
RV Milani, CJ Lavie, MR Mehra
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 43 (6), 1056-1061, 2004
Worksite wellness programs for cardiovascular disease prevention: a policy statement from the American Heart Association
M Carnethon, LP Whitsel, BA Franklin, P Kris-Etherton, R Milani, CA Pratt, ...
Circulation 120 (17), 1725-1741, 2009
Effects of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training programs on depression in patients after major coronary events
RV Milani, CJ Lavie, MM Cassidy
American heart journal 132 (4), 726-732, 1996
American heart association exercise, cardiac rehabilitation, and prevention committee of the council on clinical cardiology; council on epidemiology and prevention; council on …
GJ Balady, R Arena, K Sietsema, J Myers, L Coke, GF Fletcher, D Forman, ...
Circulation 122 (2), 191-225, 2010
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