Towards a cost-effective and reusable traceability system. A semantic approach VM Alonso-Rorís, L Alvarez-Sabucedo, JM Santos-Gago, ... Computers in Industry 83, 1-11, 2016 | 36 | 2016 |
BPMN-E2: a BPMN extension for an enhanced workflow description M Ramos-Merino, JM Santos-Gago, LM Álvarez-Sabucedo, ... Software & Systems Modeling 18 (4), 2399-2419, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Information extraction in semantic, highly-structured, and semi-structured web sources VM Alonso-Rorís, JMS Gago, RP Rodríguez, CR Costa, MAG Carballa, ... Polibits 49, 69-75, 2014 | 21 | 2014 |
Towards a Mobile-Based Platform for Traceability Control and Hazard Analysis in the Context of Parenteral Nutrition: Description of a Framework and a Prototype App. VM Alonso-Rorís, LM Álvarez-Sabucedo, C Wanden-Berghe, ... JMIR research protocols 5 (2), e57-e57, 2015 | 19* | 2015 |
Plataforma de e-servicios para educación e higiene nutricionales, orientada a la población infantil L Álvarez Sabucedo, R Míguez Pérez, JM Santos Gago, VM Alonso Rorís, ... Salud colectiva 7, S71-S81, 2011 | 16* | 2011 |
An ICT-Based Platform to Monitor Protocols in the Healthcare Environment VM Alonso-Rorís, JM Santos-Gago, L Álvarez-Sabucedo, ... Journal of medical systems 40 (10), 225, 2016 | 15* | 2016 |
Una Herramienta de Soporte a la Educación Infantil a través de la Televisión R Míguez-Pérez, JM Santos-Gago, VM Alonso-Rorís, L Anido-Rifón Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del/da Aprendizaje/Aprendizagem, 78, 2013 | 15* | 2013 |
Towards a personalised recommender platform for sportswomen JM Santos-Gago, L Álvarez-Sabucedo, R González-Maciel, ... World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 504-514, 2019 | 10 | 2019 |
Linked Data como herramienta en el ámbito de la nutrición R Míguez Pérez, JM Santos Gago, VM Alonso Rorís, ... Nutrición Hospitalaria 27 (2), 323-332, 2012 | 9* | 2012 |
Implantación de un sistema mSalud para la gestión y trazabilidad de la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria MC Peris, VMA Roris, JMS Gago, LMÁ Sabucedo, C Wanden-Berghe, ... Hospital a Domicilio 1 (3), 129-139, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Management of the general process of parenteral nutrition using mhealth technologies: Evaluation and validation study MC Peris, VMA Rorís, JMS Gago, LÁ Sabucedo, C Wanden-Berghe, ... JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (4), e9896, 2018 | 7 | 2018 |
Extending BPMN model for improving expressiveness and machine-understandability M Ramos-Merino, LM Álvarez-Sabucedo, JM Santos-Gago, ... New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 297-306, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Providing event recommendations in educational scenarios A Cañas-Rodríguez, VM Alonso-Rorís, JM Santos-Gago, LE Anido-Rifón, ... Management Intelligent Systems, 91-98, 2013 | 7* | 2013 |
A Recommender System for Educational Resources in Specific Learning Contexts LE Anido-Rifon, A Canas-Rodriguez, VM Alonso-Roris, JM Santos-Gago, ... Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), 8th International Conference on, 371-376, 2013 | 7* | 2013 |
A semantic enrichment experience in the early childhood context VM Alonso-Rorís, R Míguez-Pérez, JM Santos-Gago, L Álvarez-Sabucedo Actas del Frontiers in Education Conference, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Desarrollo de una Aplicación Móvil para la Evaluación Nutricional LÁ Sabucedo, VMA Rorís Hospital a Domicilio 3 (2), 139-147, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Sun-pp236: Deployment of a tag-based system to ensure traceability management of parenteral nutrient mixtures J Sanz-Valero, LM Álvarez-Sabucedo, C Wanden-Berghe, ... Clinical Nutrition 34, S111, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Recommender systems L Anido-Rifón, J Santos-Gago, M Caeiro-Rodríguez, ... Re-engineering the Uptake of ICT in Schools, 91-114, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
A Telematic Based Approach Towards the Normalization of Clinical Praxis VM Alonso-Rorís, JM Santos-Gago, L Álvarez-Sabucedo, ... New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 659-668, 2016 | 4 | 2016 |
Enrichment of semantic knowledge bases-An application to the automatic enrichment of learning tool descriptions L Anido-Rifon, VM Alonso-Roris, A Canas-Rodriguez, JM Santos-Gago, ... Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), 2013 8th International Conference on …, 2013 | 3* | 2013 |