Urs Niggli
Urs Niggli
確認したメール アドレス: fibl.org
Soil fertility and biodiversity in organic farming
P Mäder, A Fliessbach, D Dubois, L Gunst, P Fried, U Niggli
Science 296 (5573), 1694-1697, 2002
Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses
M Barański, D Średnicka-Tober, N Volakakis, C Seal, R Sanderson, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 112 (5), 794-811, 2014
Enhanced top soil carbon stocks under organic farming
A Gattinger, A Muller, M Haeni, C Skinner, A Fliessbach, N Buchmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (44), 18226-18231, 2012
Strategies for feeding the world more sustainably with organic agriculture
A Muller, C Schader, N El-Hage Scialabba, J Brüggemann, A Isensee, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1290, 2017
Arbuscular mycorrhizae in a long-term field trial comparing low-input (organic, biological) and high-input (conventional) farming systems in a crop rotation
P Mäder, S Edenhofer, T Boller, A Wiemken, U Niggli
Biology and fertility of Soils 31, 150-156, 2000
Low greenhouse gas agriculture: mitigation and adaptation potential of sustainable farming systems
U Niggli, A Fließbach, P Hepperly, N Scialabba
Ökologie & Landbau 141, 32-33, 2009
Impacts of feeding less food-competing feedstuffs to livestock on global food system sustainability
C Schader, A Muller, NEH Scialabba, J Hecht, A Isensee, KH Erb, P Smith, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (113), 20150891, 2015
Crop yield and soil fertility response to reduced tillage under organic management
A Berner, I Hildermann, A Fliessbach, L Pfiffner, U Niggli, P Mäder
Soil and Tillage Research 101 (1-2), 89-96, 2008
Wheat quality in organic and conventional farming: results of a 21 year field experiment
P Mäder, D Hahn, D Dubois, L Gunst, T Alföldi, H Bergmann, M Oehme, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87 (10), 1826-1835, 2007
Greenhouse gas fluxes from agricultural soils under organic and non-organic management—A global meta-analysis
C Skinner, A Gattinger, A Muller, P Mäder, A Flieβbach, M Stolze, R Ruser, ...
Science of the total environment 468, 553-563, 2014
Higher PUFA and n-3 PUFA, conjugated linoleic acid, α-tocopherol and iron, but lower iodine and selenium concentrations in organic milk: a systematic literature review and meta …
D Średnicka-Tober, M Barański, CJ Seal, R Sanderson, C Benbrook, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 115 (6), 1043-1060, 2016
Composition differences between organic and conventional meat: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
D Średnicka-Tober, M Barański, C Seal, R Sanderson, C Benbrook, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 115 (6), 994-1011, 2016
Pathways for advancing pesticide policies
N Möhring, K Ingold, P Kudsk, F Martin-Laurent, U Niggli, M Siegrist, ...
Nature food 1 (9), 535-540, 2020
Sustainability of organic food production: challenges and innovations
U Niggli
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 74 (1), 83-88, 2015
Productivity, profitability and partial nutrient balance in maize-based conventional and organic farming systems in Kenya
N Adamtey, MW Musyoka, C Zundel, JG Cobo, E Karanja, KKM Fiaboe, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 235, 61-79, 2016
Effects of bio-dynamic, organic and conventional farming on ground beetles (Col. Carabidae) and other epigaeic arthropods in winter wheat
L Pfiffner, U Niggli
Biological agriculture & horticulture 12 (4), 353-364, 1996
DOK-Versuch: vergleichende Langzeit-untersuchungen in den drei Anbausystemen biologisch-dynamisch, organisch-biologisch und konventionell.
JM Besson, U Niggli
Schweizerische Landwirtschaftliche Forschung 30, 1991
The impact of spiders on aphid populations in a strip‐managed apple orchard
E Wyss, U Niggli, W Nentwig
Journal of Applied Entomology 119 (1‐5), 473-478, 1995
Enhanced soil quality with reduced tillage and solid manures in organic farming–a synthesis of 15 years
M Krauss, A Berner, F Perrochet, R Frei, U Niggli, P Mäder
Scientific reports 10 (1), 4403, 2020
Using the Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment Routine (SMART) for the systematic analysis of trade-offs and synergies between sustainability dimensions and themes at farm …
C Schader, L Baumgart, J Landert, A Muller, B Ssebunya, J Blockeel, ...
Sustainability 8 (3), 274, 2016
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