Dr Mohammad Shah
Secure smart wearable computing through artificial intelligence-enabled internet of things and cyber-physical systems for health monitoring
LK Ramasamy, F Khan, M Shah, BVVS Prasad, C Iwendi, C Biamba
Sensors 22 (3), 1076, 2022
Understanding awareness of cyber security threat among IT employees
H Al-Mohannadi, I Awan, J Al Hamar, Y Al Hamar, M Shah, A Musa
2018 6th international conference on future internet of things and cloud …, 2018
Knowledge Engineering Tools in Planning: State-of-the-art and Future Challenges
MMS Shah, L Chrpa, F Jimoh, D Kitchin, TL McCluskey, S Parkinson, ...
Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, 53, 2013
Exploring Knowledge Engineering Strategies in Designing and Modelling a Road Traffic Accident Management Domain
MMS Shah, L Chrpa, DE Kitchin, TL McCluskey, M Vallati
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), 2013
Tourism cloud management system: the impact of smart tourism
F Yin, X Yin, J Zhou, X Zhang, R Zhang, E Ibeke, MGP Iwendi, M Shah
Journal of Cloud Computing 11 (1), 37, 2022
Towards application of automated planning in urban traffic control
F Jimoh, L Chrpa, TL McCluskey, S Shah
16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2013
Modelling road traffic incident management problems for automated planning
MMS Shah, TL McCluskey, P Gregory, F Jimoh
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (24), 360-365, 2012
A study of synthesizing artificial intelligence (AI) planning domain models by using object constraints.
MMS Shah, TL McCluskey, MM West
University of Huddersfield, 2009
An Intelligent Internet Congestion Control Mechanism
MMS Shah, MA Hossain, IU Awan
7th Informatics Workshop, 167-168, 2006
Plan, Prepare and Respond: A Holistic Cyber Security Risk Management Platform
D Goli, H Al-Mohannadi, M Shah
2023 10th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud …, 2023
Preprint: Higher Education Perceived Stress and Physical Stress: Big Data Analysis
R Zhang, J Zhou, T Hai, S Zhang, J Osamor, MGP Iwendi, M Shah
Research Square, 2022
Higher Education Perceived Stress and Physical Stress: Big Data Analysis.
R Zhang, J Zhou, T Hai, S Zhang, J Osamor, MG Iwendi, M Shah
Knowledge engineering techniques for automated planning
MMS Shah
University of Huddersfield, 2014
OCL plus: processes and events in object-centred planning
M Shah, L Chrpa, P Gregory, T McCluskey, F Jimoh
STAIRS 2012: Proceedings of the Sixth Starting AI Researchers’ Symposium 241 …, 2012
Symbolic Representation of Road Traffic Domain for Automated Planning to Manage Incidents
MMS Shah, TL McCluskey, L Chrpa
30th Workshop of the UK Planning And Scheduling Special Interest Group …, 2012
An Investigation into Using Object Constraints to Synthesize Planning Domain Models
MMS Shah, TL McCluskey, MM West
Knowledge Acquisition for Autonomous Planning Agents
MMS Shah, TL McCluskey, DE Kitchin
Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference, 2008
Towards Application of Automated Planning in Urban Traffic Control
S Shah
論文 1–18