オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Michael Dustin詳細
全体NIHWellcomeEuropean CommissionMRCBBSRCCancer Research UKHHMINIHREPSRCHFSPDFGNSFRCNEMBLGovernment of SpainFWFNHMRCVersus Arthritis, UKGovernment of ItalyUK Research & InnovationNSFCINSERMAIRC Foundation for Cancer Research in ItalyDOESNSFCIHRCASDFFBanking Foundation "la Caixa"TelethonANRGatesVAGBMFARCGenome CanadaNSERCHelmholtzNWOBHFSTFCFondazione CariploBMBFNMRCPancreatic Cancer Action Network, USAV Foundation, USANational Research Foundation, SingaporeMelanoma Research AllianceRoyal Society UKCZI
一般には非公開: 5 件
Spatial control of biological ligands on surfaces applied to T cell activation
H Cai, D Depoil, J Muller, MP Sheetz, ML Dustin, SJ Wind
The Immune Synapse: Methods and Protocols, 307-331, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Actin dynamics and HIV-1 entry
S Padilla-Parra, ML Dustin
Trends in molecular medicine 22 (5), 354-356, 2016
委任: Wellcome Trust
A wish-list for modeling immunological synapses
ML Dustin
Systems Immunology, 299-322, 2018
委任: Wellcome Trust
Spatial distribution and dynamics of Kv1. 3 channelosome at the immunological synapse
J Capera-Aragones, MN Perez, A Benavente-Garcia, ML Dustin, A Felipe
Biophysical Journal 123 (3), 252a-253a, 2024
委任: Government of Spain
T-cell synaptic ectosomes relay signals through microcluster transfer
S Balint, DG Saliba, PF Cespedes, EB Compeer, S Valvo, ML Dustin
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 7, 252-252, 2018
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, European Commission
一般公開: 248 件
Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies
A Cossarizza, HD Chang, A Radbruch, A Acs, D Adam, S Adam‐Klages, ...
European journal of immunology 49 (10), 1457-1973, 2019
委任: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Genome …
Germinal center dynamics revealed by multiphoton microscopy with a photoactivatable fluorescent reporter
GD Victora, TA Schwickert, DR Fooksman, AO Kamphorst, ...
Cell 143 (4), 592-605, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The growth factor progranulin binds to TNF receptors and is therapeutic against inflammatory arthritis in mice
W Tang, Y Lu, QY Tian, Y Zhang, FJ Guo, GY Liu, NM Syed, Y Lai, EA Lin, ...
Science 332 (6028), 478-484, 2011
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Neuropilin 1 is expressed on thymus-derived natural regulatory T cells, but not mucosa-generated induced Foxp3+ T reg cells
JM Weiss, AM Bilate, M Gobert, Y Ding, MA Curotto de Lafaille, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 209 (10), 1723-1742, 2012
委任: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation
Lrp4 is a receptor for Agrin and forms a complex with MuSK
N Kim, AL Stiegler, TO Cameron, PT Hallock, AM Gomez, JH Huang, ...
Cell 135 (2), 334-342, 2008
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Radiation-induced CXCL16 release by breast cancer cells attracts effector T cells
S Matsumura, B Wang, N Kawashima, S Braunstein, M Badura, ...
The Journal of Immunology 181 (5), 3099-3107, 2008
委任: US National Institutes of Health
The immunological synapse
ML Dustin
Cancer immunology research 2 (11), 1023-1033, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
Transcriptional programs define molecular characteristics of innate lymphoid cell classes and subsets
ML Robinette, A Fuchs, VS Cortez, JS Lee, Y Wang, SK Durum, S Gilfillan, ...
Nature immunology 16 (3), 306-317, 2015
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Functional anatomy of T cell activation and synapse formation
DR Fooksman, S Vardhana, G Vasiliver-Shamis, J Liese, DA Blair, ...
Annual review of immunology 28 (1), 79-105, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health
A dynamic T cell–limited checkpoint regulates affinity-dependent B cell entry into the germinal center
TA Schwickert, GD Victora, DR Fooksman, AO Kamphorst, MR Mugnier, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 208 (6), 1243-1252, 2011
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Feedback control of regulatory T cell homeostasis by dendritic cells in vivo
G Darrasse-Jèze, S Deroubaix, H Mouquet, GD Victora, T Eisenreich, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 206 (9), 1853-1862, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Integrin inside-out signaling and the immunological synapse
TA Springer, ML Dustin
Current opinion in cell biology 24 (1), 107-115, 2012
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Polarized release of T-cell-receptor-enriched microvesicles at the immunological synapse
K Choudhuri, J Llodrá, EW Roth, J Tsai, S Gordo, KW Wucherpfennig, ...
Nature 507 (7490), 118-123, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
Transcriptional insights into the CD8+ T cell response to infection and memory T cell formation
JA Best, DA Blair, J Knell, E Yang, V Mayya, A Doedens, ML Dustin, ...
Nature immunology 14 (4), 404-412, 2013
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Spatiotemporal regulation of T cell costimulation by TCR-CD28 microclusters and protein kinase C θ translocation
T Yokosuka, W Kobayashi, K Sakata-Sogawa, M Takamatsu, ...
Immunity 29 (4), 589-601, 2008
委任: US National Institutes of Health
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