Dr. Muhammad Abdul Goffar Khan
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Goffar Khan
Professor, Department of EEE, RUET
確認したメール アドレス: vu.edu.bd - ホームページ
PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway inhibitors in triple-negative breast cancer: a review on drug discovery and future challenges
MA Khan, VK Jain, M Rizwanullah, J Ahmad, K Jain
Drug discovery today 24 (11), 2181-2191, 2019
Optimal Lyapunov-based quantum control for quantum systems
SC Hou, MA Khan, XX Yi, D Dong, IR Petersen
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (2), 022321, 2012
Low-loss rotated porous core hexagonal single-mode fiber in THz regime
R Islam, GKM Hasanuzzaman, MS Habib, S Rana, MAG Khan
Optical Fiber Technology 24, 38-43, 2015
Structural and dielectric properties of doped ferrite nanomaterials suitable for microwave and biomedical applications
I Sadiq, S Naseem, MN Ashiq, MA Khan, S Niaz, MU Rana
Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 25 (5), 419-424, 2015
Management and treatment outcomes of MDR-TB: results from a setting with high rates of drug resistance
N Ahmad, A Javaid, A Basit, AK Afridi, MA Khan, I Ahmad, SAS Sulaiman, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 19 (9), 1109-1114, 2015
Spin canting effect and microwave absorption properties of Sm–Mn substituted nanosized material
I Sadiq, S Naseem, MN Ashiq, MA Iqbal, I Ali, MA Khan, S Niaz, MU Rana
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 395, 159-165, 2015
Nanomedicines in diagnosis and treatment of cancer: An update
N Haider, S Fatima, M Taha, M Rizwanullah, J Firdous, R Ahmad, ...
Current Pharmaceutical Design 26 (11), 1216-1231, 2020
Tunable microwave absorbing nano-material for X-band applications
I Sadiq, S Naseem, MN Ashiq, MA Khan, S Niaz, MU Rana
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 401, 63-69, 2016
Wireless head gesture controlled wheel chair for disable persons
S Nasif, MAG Khan
2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 156-161, 2017
Design of triangular core LMA-PCF with low-bending loss and low non-linearity for laser application
S Kabir, MRH Khandokar, MAG Khan
Optics & Laser Technology 81, 84-89, 2016
Biological and chemical fertilizer studies in chickpea grown under arid conditions of Thal [Pakistan]
H Khan, AM Haqqani, MA Khan, BA Malik
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (Pakistan) 8 (3), 1992
Effect of storage periods on the quality and shelf life of beef liver at refrigerated temperature
MS Akhter, H Khatun, MA Hashem, MM Rahman, M Khan
Meat Research 2 (2), 2022
Prediction of beef quality traits through mini NIR spectrophotometer and multivariate analyses
MA Hashem, SA Tule, M Khan, MM Rahman, MAK Azad, MS Ali
Meat Research 1 (1), 2021
Ethno veterinary medicinal uses of plants from Samahni valley dist. Bhimber,(Azad Kashmir) Pakistan.
MI Ch, MA Khan, WH Wajahat Hanif
Multimodal brain tumor classification using deep learning and robust feature selection: a machine learning application for radiologists. Diagnostics 10 (8), 565 (2020)
MA Khan, I Ashraf, M Alhaisoni, R Damaševičius, R Scherer, A Rehman, ...
In vitro antibacterial activity of Vitis viniferaleaf extracts against some pathogenic bacterial strains
W Ahmad, MI Khan, M Waqar, MA Khan, A Khan, R Ramazan, S Wali, ...
Advances in biological research 8 (2), 62-67, 2014
Evaluation of chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effect of Artemisia vulgaris extract against diethylnitrosamine induced hepatocellular carcinogenesis in Balb …
S Ali, M Ejaz, KK Dar, S Nasreen, N Ashraf, SF Gillani, N Shafi, S Safeer, ...
Brazilian Journal of Biology 80, 484-496, 2019
A new adjustable window function to design FIR filter and its application in noise reduction from contaminated ECG signal
T Karmaker, MS Anower, MAG Khan, MA Habib
2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 51-54, 2017
Training needs of agricultural extension agents in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
MZ Khan, ZU Haq, NU Khan, U Pervez, MA Khan
Sarhad J. Agric 27 (1), 133-137, 2011
Optimum design of a dispersion managed photonic crystal fiber for nonlinear optics applications in telecom systems
SMA Razzak, MAG Khan, Y Namihira, MY Hussain
2008 International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 570-573, 2008
論文 1–20