Alexandre Maul
Alexandre Maul
確認したメール アドレス: petrobras.com.br
Combining seismic facies analysis and well information to guide new interval velocity models for a pre-salt study, Santos Basin, Brazil
TB Meneguim*, SC Mendes, AR Maul, LF Fernandes, MG Farias, ...
14th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2015
Refining velocity model within the salt section in Santos Basin: An innovative workflow to include the existing stratification and its considerations
F Gobatto, A Maul, L Teixeira, G González, L Falcão, M González, ...
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2016-13685489, 2016
Observing amplitude uncertainties for a pre-salt reservoirs using illumination study (Hit-Maps)
ARM Maul, FJS Jardim, LFF Falcao, G Gonzalez
77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015 2015 (1), 1-5, 2015
Estudo estatístico da velocidade dos sais na camada evaporítica na Bacia de Santos
PJT Amaral*, AR Maul, L Falcão, NMSM Cruz, MA Gonzalez, G González
14th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2015
Tupi Nodes pilot: A successful 4D seismic case for Brazilian presalt reservoirs
NM Cruz, JM Cruz, LM Teixeira, MM da Costa, LB de Oliveira, EN Urasaki, ...
The Leading Edge 40 (12), 886-896, 2021
Geological velocity approach in order to obtain a detailed velocity model for the evaporitic section–Santos Basin
LC de Oliveira*, LF Fernandes, AR Maul, JA Rosseto, ...
14th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2015
Proposed workflow to incorporate stratification within salt section using velocity and seismic attributes
M González, F Gobatto, A Maul, L Falcão, G González, LC Oliveira, ...
Third EAGE/SBGf Workshop 2016, cp-479-00008, 2016
Estimating amplitude uncertainties through illumination studies for a pre-salt reservoir
F Jardim*, A Maul, L Falcão, G González
14th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2015
Quantitative seismic-stratigraphic interpretation of the evaporite sequence in the Santos Basin
L Teixeira, WM Lupinacci, A Maul
Marine and Petroleum Geology 122, 104690, 2020
Few considerations, warnings and benefits for the E&P industry when incorporating stratifications inside salt sections
A Maul, MAC Santos, CG Silva
Brazilian Journal of Geophysics 36 (4), 461-477, 2018
Modelling geological layers into new velocity models for seismic migration process-a Brazilian pre-salt case
JS Fonseca, L Teixeira, A Maul, P Barros, F Borges, J Boechat, ...
First EAGE/PESGB Workshop on Velocities, cp-541-00010, 2018
Modelling intra-salt layers when building velocity models for depth migration. Examples of the Santos Basins, Brazilian offshore
A Maul, J Fonseca, L Teixeira, P Barros, J Boechat, JP Nunes, ...
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 3764-3767, 2018
Evaporitic Section Characterization and its Impact over the Pre-Salt Reservoirs, Examples in Santos Basin, Offshore
A Maul
19th Rio Oil & Gas. Expanded Abstracts, 2018
Thickness-based approach for evaporites seismic velocities in Campos Basin
F Borges*, D Apoluceno, H Selbach, A Maul, G Lima
14th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2015
The impact of heterogeneous salt velocity models on the gross rock volume estimation: an example from the Santos Basin pre-salt, Brazil
A Maul, M Cetale, C Guizan, P Corbett, JR Underhill, L Teixeira, R Pontes, ...
Petroleum Geoscience 27 (4), petgeo2020-105, 2021
Reservoir geophysics in Brazilian pre-salt oilfields
PR Johann, AF Martini, A Maul, JPP Nunes
Offshore Technology Conference, OTC-23681-MS, 2012
Rock Physics and Seismic Inversion to identify stratification within salt section supporting velocity, facies modeling and geomechanical analysis
L Teixeira, F Gobatto, A Maul, NM Cruz, J Laquini, C Gonçalves
15th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2017
Characterizing evaporitic section and geomechanical properties using seismic inversion, a case study for Santos Basin
T Toríbio, LE Queiroz, L Teixeira, T Yamamoto, T Meneguim, O Leonardi, ...
15th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF …, 2017
Benefits of inserting salt stratification to detail velocity model prior to least-squares reverse-time migration
A Maul, A Bulcão, RM Dias, B Pereira-Dias, L Teixeira, F Borges, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 195, 104469, 2021
Geological characterization of evaporitic sections and its impacts on seismic images: Santos Basin, offshore Brazil
AR Maul
Brazilian Journal of Geophysics 37 (1), 55-68, 2019
論文 1–20