Alexander Gelbukh
Alexander Gelbukh
その他の名前Alexander F. Gelbukh, Александр Гельбух
確認したメール アドレス: cic.ipn.mx - ホームページ
Aspect extraction for opinion mining with a deep convolutional neural network
S Poria, E Cambria, A Gelbukh
Knowledge-Based Systems 108, 42-49, 2016
DialogueRNN: An attentive RNN for emotion detection in conversations
N Majumder, S Poria, D Hazarika, R Mihalcea, A Gelbukh, E Cambria
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 6818-6825, 2019
DialogueGCN: A graph convolutional neural network for emotion recognition in conversation
D Ghosal, N Majumder, S Poria, N Chhaya, A Gelbukh
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11540, 2019
Deep learning-based document modeling for personality detection from text
N Majumder, S Poria, A Gelbukh, E Cambria
IEEE intelligent systems 32 (2), 74-79, 2017
Deep convolutional neural network textual features and multiple kernel learning for utterance-level multimodal sentiment analysis
S Poria, E Cambria, A Gelbukh
Proceedings of the 2015 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2015
Soft similarity and soft cosine measure: Similarity of features in vector space model
G Sidorov, A Gelbukh, H Gómez-Adorno, D Pinto
Computación y Sistemas 18 (3), 491-504, 2014
Sentiment analysis is a big suitcase
E Cambria, S Poria, A Gelbukh, M Thelwall
IEEE Intelligent Systems 32 (6), 74-80, 2017
Syntactic n-grams as machine learning features for natural language processing
G Sidorov, F Velasquez, E Stamatatos, A Gelbukh, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (3), 853-860, 2014
Multimodal sentiment analysis using hierarchical fusion with context modeling
N Majumder, D Hazarika, A Gelbukh, E Cambria, S Poria
Knowledge-based systems 161, 124-133, 2018
Recent trends in deep learning based personality detection
Y Mehta, N Majumder, A Gelbukh, E Cambria
Artificial Intelligence Review 53, 2313-2339, 2020
A Rule-Based Approach to Aspect Extraction from Product Reviews
S Poria, E Cambria, LW Ku, C Gui, A Gelbukh
COLING 2014 Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media …, 2014
Cosmic: Commonsense knowledge for emotion identification in conversations
D Ghosal, N Majumder, A Gelbukh, R Mihalcea, S Poria
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.02795, 2020
Multilingual sentiment analysis: state of the art and independent comparison of techniques
K Dashtipour, S Poria, A Hussain, E Cambria, AYA Hawalah, A Gelbukh, ...
Cognitive computation 8, 757-771, 2016
Enhanced SenticNet with Affective Labels for Concept-Based Opinion Mining
S Poria, A Gelbukh, A Hussain, N Howard, D Das, S Bandyopadhyay
IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2013
Sentiment and Sarcasm Classification with Multitask Learning
N Majumder, S Poria, H Peng, N Chhaya, E Cambria, A Gelbukh
IEEE Intelligent Systems 34 (3), 38–43, 2019
MIME: MIMicking emotions for empathetic response generation
N Majumder, P Hong, S Peng, J Lu, D Ghosal, A Gelbukh, R Mihalcea, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01454, 2020
Multimodal sentiment analysis: Addressing key issues and setting up the baselines
S Poria, N Majumder, D Hazarika, E Cambria, A Gelbukh, A Hussain
IEEE Intelligent Systems 33 (6), 17-25, 2018
Bi-bimodal modality fusion for correlation-controlled multimodal sentiment analysis
W Han, H Chen, A Gelbukh, A Zadeh, L Morency, S Poria
Proceedings of the 2021 international conference on multimodal interaction, 6-15, 2021
Empirical study of machine learning based approach for opinion mining in tweets
G Sidorov, S Miranda-Jiménez, F Viveros-Jiménez, A Gelbukh, ...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Mexican International Conference …, 2013
EmoSenticSpace: A novel framework for affective common-sense reasoning
S Poria, A Gelbukh, E Cambria, A Hussain, GB Huang
Knowledge-Based Systems 69, 108-123, 2014
論文 1–20