Marina N Astakhova
Explaining the effects of perceived person-supervisor fit and person-organization fit on organizational commitment in the US and Japan
MN Astakhova
Journal of Business Research 69 (2), 956-963, 2016
Work passion through the lens of culture: Harmonious work passion, obsessive work passion, and work outcomes in Russia and China
RJ Burke, MN Astakhova, H Hang
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 457-471, 2015
Exploring different operationalizations of employee engagement and their relationships with workplace stress and burnout
PE Anthony‐McMann, AD Ellinger, M Astakhova, JRB Halbesleben
Human Resource Development Quarterly 28 (2), 163-195, 2017
Understanding the work passion–performance relationship: The mediating role of organizational identification and moderating role of fit at work
MN Astakhova, G Porter
Human relations 68 (8), 1315-1346, 2015
A new dualistic approach to brand passion: Harmonious and obsessive
KR Swimberghe, M Astakhova, BR Wooldridge
Journal of Business Research 67 (12), 2657-2665, 2014
The curvilinear relationship between work passion and organizational citizenship behavior
MN Astakhova
Journal of Business Ethics 130, 361-374, 2015
Servant leadership and perceptions of service quality provided by front-line service workers in hotels in Turkey: Achieving competitive advantage
M Koyuncu, R J. Burke, M Astakhova, D Eren, H Cetin
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 26 (7), 1083-1099, 2014
Examining a psychological sense of brand community in elderly consumers
K Swimberghe, MA Darrat, BD Beal, M Astakhova
Journal of Business Research 82, 171-178, 2018
Actual and ideal-self congruence and dual brand passion
M Astakhova, KR Swimberghe, BR Wooldridge
Journal of Consumer Marketing 34 (7), 664-672, 2017
Disentangling passion and engagement: An examination of how and when passionate employees become engaged ones
VT Ho, MN Astakhova
Human Relations 71 (7), 973-1000, 2018
The passion bug: How and when do leaders inspire work passion?
VT Ho, MN Astakhova
Journal of Organizational Behavior 41 (5), 424-444, 2020
Management and income inequality: A review and conceptual framework
BD Beal, M Astakhova
Journal of Business Ethics 142, 1-23, 2017
Improving the rigor of quantitative HRD research: Four recommendations in support of the general hierarchy of evidence
K Nimon, M Astakhova
Wiley, 2015
A heavy work investment typology: A biopsychosocial framework
M Astakhova, M Hogue
Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (1), 81-99, 2013
Chameleonic obsessive job passion: Demystifying the relationships between obsessive job passion and in-role and extra-role performance
MN Astakhova, VT Ho
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 27 (3), 362-374, 2018
Motivating behavior change to support organizational environmental sustainability goals
CLZ DuBois, MN Astakhova, DA DuBois
Green organizations, 186-207, 2013
Understanding the antecedents of perceived fit at work in the United States, Russia, and China
MN Astakhova, DH Doty, H Hang
European Management Journal 32 (6), 879-890, 2014
Passion as an excuse to procrastinate: A cross-cultural examination of the relationships between Obsessive Internet passion and procrastination
DH Doty, BR Wooldridge, M Astakhova, MH Fagan, MG Marinina, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 102, 103-111, 2020
A typology of middle managers in modern Russia: An intracultural puzzle
M Astakhova, CLZ DuBois, M Hogue
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 34 (5), 527-539, 2010
Passion for work passion research: Taming breadth and promoting depth
MN Astakhova, MS Cardon, VT Ho, DT Kong
Journal of Organizational Behavior 43 (9), 1463-1474, 2022
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