Rui Aguiar
Rui Aguiar
Universidade de Aveiro / Instituto de Telecomunicações
確認したメール アドレス: ua.pt
Information-centric networking for the internet of things: challenges and opportunities
M Amadeo, C Campolo, J Quevedo, D Corujo, A Molinaro, A Iera, ...
IEEE Network 30 (2), 92-100, 2016
An IP-based QoS architecture for 4G operator scenarios
V Marques, RL Aguiar, C Garcia, JI Moreno, C Beaujean, E Melin, ...
IEEE Wireless Communications 10 (3), 54-62, 2003
Energy efficient interference-aware resource allocation in LTE-D2D communication
S Mumtaz, KMS Huq, A Radwan, J Rodriguez, RL Aguiar
2014 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 282-287, 2014
Support of anonymity in vanets-putting pseudonymity into practice
E Fonseca, A Festag, R Baldessari, RL Aguiar
2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 3400-3405, 2007
Visible light communications in intelligent transportation systems
N Kumar, N Lourenço, D Terra, LN Alves, RL Aguiar
2012 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 748-753, 2012
Toward a telco cloud environment for service functions
J Soares, C Gonçalves, B Parreira, P Tavares, J Carapinha, JP Barraca, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (2), 98-106, 2015
Green HetNet CoMP: Energy efficiency analysis and optimization
KMS Huq, S Mumtaz, J Bachmatiuk, J Rodriguez, X Wang, RL Aguiar
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 64 (10), 4670-4683, 2014
Visible light communication for intelligent transportation in road safety applications
N Kumar, D Terra, N Lourenco, LN Alves, RL Aguiar
2011 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2011
Visible light communication system for outdoor applications
N Lourenço, D Terra, N Kumar, LN Alves, RL Aguiar
2012 8th international symposium on communication systems, networks …, 2012
Consumer driven information freshness approach for content centric networking
J Quevedo, D Corujo, R Aguiar
2014 IEEE conference on computer communications workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2014
Using an open-source IEEE 802.21 implementation for network-based localized mobility management
D Corujo, C Guimaraes, B Santos, RL Aguiar
IEEE Communications Magazine 49 (9), 114-123, 2011
Visible light communication systems conception and vidas
N Kumar, N Lourenco, M Spiez, RL Aguiar
IETE Technical Review 25 (6), 359-367, 2008
Community building over neighborhood wireless mesh networks
P Antoniadis, B Le Grand, A Satsiou, L Tassiulas, RL Aguiar, JP Barraca, ...
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 27 (1), 48-56, 2008
A case for ICN usage in IoT environments
J Quevedo, D Corujo, R Aguiar
2014 IEEE global communications conference, 2770-2775, 2014
Empowering software defined wireless networks through media independent handover management
C Guimaraes, D Corujo, RL Aguiar, F Silva, P Frosi
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2204-2209, 2013
A secure IoT management architecture based on Information-Centric Networking
J Suarez, J Quevedo, I Vidal, D Corujo, J Garcia-Reinoso, RL Aguiar
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 63, 190-204, 2016
White paper on 6G networking
T Taleb, RL Aguiar, IGB Yahia, G Christensen, U Chunduri, A Clemm, ...
University of Oulu, 2020
Towards IoT data classification through semantic features
M Antunes, D Gomes, RL Aguiar
Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 792-798, 2018
Network functions virtualization: The long road to commercial deployments
AU Rehman, RL Aguiar, JP Barraca
IEEE Access 7, 60439-60464, 2019
Fault-tolerance in the scope of software-defined networking (sdn)
AU Rehman, RL Aguiar, JP Barraca
IEEE access 7, 124474-124490, 2019
論文 1–20