Andy Luse
Andy Luse
William S. Spears Chair in Business, Associate Professor of MSIS, Oklahoma State University
確認したメール アドレス: okstate.edu - ホームページ
Selecting a research topic: A framework for doctoral students
A Luse, B Mennecke, A Townsend
Virtual training: Learning transfer of assembly tasks
P Carlson, A Peters, SB Gilbert, JM Vance, A Luse
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 21 (6), 770-782, 2015
Personality and cognitive style as predictors of preference for working in virtual teams
A Luse, JC McElroy, AM Townsend, S DeMarie
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (4), 1825-1832, 2013
Collaboration, connectedness, and community: An examination of the factors influencing student persistence in virtual communities
D Laux, A Luse, BE Mennecke
Computers in Human Behavior 57, 452-464, 2016
An empirical validation of malicious insider characteristics
N Liang, DP Biros, A Luse
Journal of Management Information Systems 33 (2), 361-392, 2016
Institutional boundaries and trust of virtual teams in collaborative design: An experimental study in a virtual world environment
SZ Schiller, BE Mennecke, FFH Nah, A Luse
Computers in Human Behavior 35, 565-577, 2014
Understanding the moderating roles of types of recommender systems and products on customer behavioral intention to use recommender systems
YY Wang, A Luse, AM Townsend, BE Mennecke
Information Systems and e-Business Management 13, 769-799, 2015
IT-adventures: A program to spark IT interest in high school students using inquiry-based learning with cyber defense, game design, and robotics
JA Rursch, A Luse, D Jacobson
IEEE Transactions on Education 53 (1), 71-79, 2009
The changing nature of user attitudes toward virtual world technology: A longitudinal study
A Luse, B Mennecke, J Triplett
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (3), 1122-1132, 2013
Utilizing structural equation modeling and social cognitive career theory to identify factors in choice of IT as a major
A Luse, JA Rursch, D Jacobson
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 14 (3), 1-19, 2014
Using a virtual lab network testbed to facilitate real‐world hands‐on learning in a networking course
A Luse, J Rursch
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (3), 1244-1261, 2021
Instruction in 802.11 technology in online virtual labs
A Luse, A Brown, J Rursch
IEEE Transactions on Education 64 (1), 12-17, 2020
IT can matter: co-evolution fostering IT competitive advantage
A Luse, B Mennecke
Management Research Review 37 (6), 574-588, 2014
Adoption of biometric authentication systems: implications for research and practice in the deployment of end-user security systems
D Laux, A Luse, B Mennecke, AM Townsend
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 21 (3), 221-245, 2011
Which similarity measure to use in network analysis: Impact of sample size on phi correlation coefficient and Ochiai index
P Kalgotra, R Sharda, A Luse
International Journal of Information Management 55, 102229, 2020
Men are from Mars and women are from Venus: dyadic collaboration in the metaverse
S Schiller, FFH Nah, A Luse, K Siau
Internet Research 34 (1), 149-173, 2024
The role of effective modeling in the development of self‐efficacy: The case of the transparent engine
KP Scheibe, BE Mennecke, A Luse
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 5 (1), 21-42, 2007
A component-based framework for visualization of intrusion detection events
A Luse, KP Scheibe, AM Townsend
Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 17 (2), 95-107, 2008
Training, self-efficacy, and performance; A replication study
B Davazdahemami, A Luse, KP Scheibe, AM Townsend
AIS Transactions on Replication Research 4 (1), 3, 2018
Learned helplessness attributional scale (LHAS): Development and validation of an attributional style measure
A Luse, J Burkman
Journal of Business Research 151, 623-634, 2022
論文 1–20