Stav Fainshmidt
Psychological safety: A meta‐analytic review and extension
ML Frazier, S Fainshmidt, RL Klinger, A Pezeshkan, V Vracheva
Personnel psychology 70 (1), 113-165, 2017
Dynamic capabilities and organizational performance: a meta‐analytic evaluation and extension
S Fainshmidt, A Pezeshkan, M Lance Frazier, A Nair, E Markowski
Journal of management studies 53 (8), 1348-1380, 2016
Varieties of institutional systems: A contextual taxonomy of understudied countries
S Fainshmidt, WQ Judge, RV Aguilera, A Smith
Journal of World Business 53 (3), 307-322, 2018
The contributions of qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to international business research
S Fainshmidt, MA Witt, RV Aguilera, A Verbeke
Journal of International Business Studies 51, 455-466, 2020
When do Dynamic Capabilities Lead to Competitive Advantage? The Importance of Strategic Fit
S Fainshmidt, L Wenger, A Pezeshkan, MR Mallon
Journal of Management Studies, 2018
What facilitates dynamic capabilities? The role of organizational climate for trust
S Fainshmidt, ML Frazier
Long Range Planning 50 (5), 550-566, 2017
An empirical assessment of the dynamic capabilities–performance relationship
A Pezeshkan, S Fainshmidt, A Nair, ML Frazier, E Markowski
Journal of Business Research 69 (8), 2950-2956, 2016
Development and validation of a propensity to trust scale
ML Frazier, PD Johnson, S Fainshmidt
Journal of Trust Research 3 (2), 76-97, 2013
Enterprise risk management as a dynamic capability: A test of its effectiveness during a crisis
A Nair, E Rustambekov, M McShane, S Fainshmidt
Managerial and Decision Economics 35 (8), 555-566, 2014
Beyond tokenism: How strategic leaders influence more meaningful gender diversity on boards of directors
O Guldiken, MR Mallon, S Fainshmidt, WQ Judge
Strategic Management Journal, 2019
Which model of capitalism best delivers both wealth and equality?
WQ Judge, S Fainshmidt, J Lee Brown III
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 363-386, 2014
Voice climate, work outcomes, and the mediating role of psychological empowerment: A multilevel examination
ML Frazier, S Fainshmidt
Group & Organization Management 37 (6), 691-715, 2012
MNE performance during a crisis: An evolutionary perspective on the role of dynamic managerial capabilities and industry context
S Fainshmidt, A Nair, MR Mallon
International Business Review 26 (6), 1088-1099, 2017
Does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system
A Zattoni, MA Witt, WQ Judge, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Journal of World Business 52 (5), 628-639, 2017
Cycles of de-internationalization and re-internationalization: Towards an integrative framework
M Kafouros, ST Cavusgil, TM Devinney, P Ganotakis, S Fainshmidt
Journal of World Business 57 (1), 101257, 2022
Our board, our rules: Nonconformity to global corporate governance norms
MA Witt, S Fainshmidt, RV Aguilera
Administrative Science Quarterly 67 (1), 131-166, 2022
Women on Boards of Directors: A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Roles of Organizational Leadership and National Context for Gender Equality
CS Halliday, SC Paustian-Underdahl, S Fainshmidt
Journal of Business and Psychology, 1-19, 2020
Innovation in India: A review of past research and future directions
A Nair, O Guldiken, S Fainshmidt, A Pezeshkan
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 32, 925-958, 2015
Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross‐national sample: A multilevel knowledge‐based view
WQ Judge, MA Witt, A Zattoni, T Talaulicar, JJ Chen, K Lewellyn, HW Hu, ...
Strategic Management Journal 36 (8), 1174-1185, 2015
Subsidiary autonomy and subsidiary performance: A meta-analysis
JMG Geleilate, DS Andrews, S Fainshmidt
Journal of World Business 55 (4), 101049, 2020
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