A Lagrangian heuristic based branch-and-bound approach for the capacitated network design problem K Holmberg, D Yuan Operations Research 48 (3), 461-481, 2000 | 328 | 2000 |
An exact algorithm for the capacitated facility location problems with single sourcing K Holmberg, M Rönnqvist, D Yuan European Journal of Operational Research 113 (3), 544-559, 1999 | 318 | 1999 |
Solving the uncapacitated network design problem by a Lagrangean heuristic and branch-and-bound K Holmberg, J Hellstrand Operations research 46 (2), 247-259, 1998 | 181 | 1998 |
Exact solution methods for uncapacitated location problems with convex transportation costs K Holmberg European Journal of Operational Research 114 (1), 127-140, 1999 | 174 | 1999 |
Economies of scale in empty freight car distribution in scheduled railways M Joborn, TG Crainic, M Gendreau, K Holmberg, JT Lundgren Transportation Science 38 (2), 121-134, 2004 | 141 | 2004 |
Improved empty freight car distribution K Holmberg, M Joborn, JT Lundgren Transportation Science 32 (2), 163-173, 1998 | 134 | 1998 |
A multicommodity network-flow problem with side constraints on paths solved by column generation K Holmberg, D Yuan INFORMS Journal on Computing 15 (1), 42-57, 2003 | 129 | 2003 |
Optimization of internet protocol network design and routing K Holmberg, D Yuan Networks: An International Journal 43 (1), 39-53, 2004 | 115 | 2004 |
A production-transportation problem with stochastic demand and concave production costs K Holmberg, H Tuy Mathematical programming 85, 157-179, 1999 | 114 | 1999 |
A Lagrangean heuristic for the facility location problem with staircase costs K Holmberg, J Ling European journal of operational research 97 (1), 63-74, 1997 | 114 | 1997 |
Solving the staircase cost facility location problem with decomposition and piecewise linearization K Holmberg European Journal of Operational Research 75 (1), 41-61, 1994 | 111 | 1994 |
Maritime Inventory Routing Problems. M Christiansen, K Fagerholt Encyclopedia of optimization 2, 1947-1955, 2009 | 102 | 2009 |
On the convergence of cross decomposition K Holmberg Mathematical Programming 47, 269-296, 1990 | 94 | 1990 |
Generating UAV communication networks for monitoring and surveillance PM Olsson, J Kvarnström, P Doherty, O Burdakov, K Holmberg 2010 11th international conference on control automation robotics & vision …, 2010 | 92 | 2010 |
Optimal placement of UV-based communications relay nodes O Burdakov, P Doherty, K Holmberg, PM Olsson Journal of Global Optimization 48, 511-531, 2010 | 82 | 2010 |
Relay positioning for unmanned aerial vehicle surveillance O Burdakov, P Doherty, K Holmberg, J Kvarnström, PM Olsson The international journal of robotics research 29 (8), 1069-1087, 2010 | 73 | 2010 |
Positioning unmanned aerial vehicles as communication relays for surveillance tasks. O Burdakov, P Doherty, K Holmberg, J Kvarnström, PM Olsson Robotics: Science and Systems, 2009 | 70 | 2009 |
Linear mean value cross decomposition: A generalization of the Kornai-Liptak method K Holmberg European Journal of Operational Research 62 (1), 55-73, 1992 | 57 | 1992 |
Cross decomposition applied to the stochastic transportation problem K Holmberg, KO Joernsten European Journal of Operational Research 17 (3), 361-368, 1984 | 56 | 1984 |
A Lagrangean approach to network design problems K Holmberg, D Yuan International Transactions in Operational Research 5 (6), 529-539, 1998 | 54 | 1998 |