Ozan Luay Abbas
Ozan Luay Abbas
Assistant Professor. Ahi Evran University
確認したメール アドレス: ahievran.edu.tr
Analysis of the factors affecting men’s attitudes toward cosmetic surgery: Body image, media exposure, social network use, masculine gender role stress and religious attitudes
OL Abbas, U Karadavut
Aesthetic plastic surgery 41, 1454-1462, 2017
Basal cell carcinoma: a single‐center experience
OL Abbas, H Borman
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 246542, 2012
Adipose-derived stem cells enhance axonal regeneration through cross-facial nerve grafting in a rat model of facial paralysis
OL Abbas, H Borman, ÇA Uysal, ZB Gönen, L Aydin, F Helvacioğlu, ...
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 138 (2), 387-396, 2016
Comparative analysis of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue, and dental pulp as sources of cell therapy for zone of stasis burns
OL Abbas, O Özatik, ZB Gönen, S Öğüt, FY Özatik, H Salkın, A Musmul
Journal of Investigative Surgery 32 (6), 477-490, 2019
Prevention of burn wound progression by mesenchymal stem cell transplantation: deeper insights into underlying mechanisms
OL Abbas, O Özatik, ZB Gönen, S Öğüt, E Entok, FY Özatik, D Bahar, ...
Annals of Plastic Surgery 81 (6), 715-724, 2018
Revision rhinoplasty: measurement of patient-reported outcomes and analysis of predictive factors
OL Abbas
Springerplus 5, 1-14, 2016
Destructive pulmonary effects of smoke inhalation and simultaneous alterations in circulating IL-6, TNF-α, and IFN-γ levels at different burn depths: an experimental study on rats
AES Abali, H Karakayali, BH Ozdemir, N Bayraktar, OL Abbas, M Haberal
Journal of Burn Care & Research 34 (3), 334-341, 2013
Perception of symmetry in aesthetic rhinoplasty patients: Anthropometric, demographic, and psychological analysis
OL Abbas, A Kurkcuoglu, CD Aytop, C Uysal, C Pelin
Perception 46 (10), 1151-1170, 2017
Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation enhances nerve regeneration in a rat model of hindlimb replantation
OL Abbas, O Özatik, ZB Gönen, AE Koçman, I Dağ, FY Özatik, D Bahar, ...
Plastic and reconstructive surgery 143 (4), 758e-768e, 2019
Inhibition of the notch pathway promotes flap survival by inducing functional neoangiogenesis
OL Abbas, H Borman, YK Terzi, A Terzi, N Bayraktar, B Özkan, AC Yazici
Annals of plastic surgery 75 (4), 455-462, 2015
An in vivo comparison of commonly used topical antimicrobials on skin graft healing after full-thickness burn injury
OL Abbas, H Borman, T Bahar, NM Ertaş, M Haberal
Journal of Burn Care & Research 36 (2), e47-e54, 2015
The Notch signaling system is involved in the regulation of reparative angiogenesis in the zone of stasis
OL Abbas, O Özatik, YK Terzi, FY Özatik, R Nar, G Turna
Journal of Burn Care & Research 38 (6), e923-e933, 2017
The Notch pathway is a critical regulator of angiogenesis in a skin model of ischemia
OL Abbas, H Borman, YK Terzi, A Terzi, N Bayraktar, AC Yazıcı
Vascular Medicine 20 (3), 205-211, 2015
The prevalence of cosmetic facial plastic procedures among facial plastic surgeons
R Moayer, JP Sand, A Han, V Nabili, GS Keller
Facial Plastic Surgery 34 (02), 220-226, 2018
Basal cell carcinoma presenting as an excoriated cicatricial plaque: A case report
EM Acar, A Kilitci, Z Kaya, OL Abbas, F Kemeriz
Dermatologica sinica 36 (4), 211-213, 2018
Anthropometric measurement and analysis of the lower face in Turkish rhinoplasty patients
OL Abbas, A Kürkçüoğlu, C Pelin, AC Yazıcı
European Journal of Plastic Surgery 38, 449-458, 2015
Breast Reconstruction Awareness Among Turkish University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study
OL Abbas
Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 2016
Comparison of objective and subjective assessments for perception of facial symmetry
A Kürkçüoğlu, OL Abbas, DM Ayan, R Baykan, E Demirkan, Ö Özkan, ...
Anatomy 10 (2), 94-98, 2016
Enhancement of vascular endothelial growth factor’s angiogenic capacity by the therapeutic modulation of notch signalling improves tram flap survival in rats submitted to nicotine
OL Abbas, YK Terzi, O Özatik, FY Özatik, G Turna, R Nar, A Musmul
Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery 51 (6), 405-413, 2017
Inhibition of the notch pathway promotes flap survival by inducing functional angiogenesis: Reply
OL Abbas
Annals of Plastic Surgery 75 (5), 579-580, 2015
論文 1–20