Zhenguo Lin
Zhenguo Lin
Associate Professor of Biology, Saint Louis University
確認したメール アドレス: slu.edu - ホームページ
Origins and evolution of the recA/RAD51 gene family: evidence for ancient gene duplication and endosymbiotic gene transfer
Z Lin, H Kong, M Nei, H Ma
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (27), 10328-10333, 2006
The WRKY transcription factor family in model plants and crops
F Chen, Y Hu, A Vannozzi, K Wu, H Cai, Y Qin, A Mullis, Z Lin, L Zhang
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 36 (5-6), 311-335, 2018
Origin and evolution of the 2019 novel coronavirus
L Zhang, F Shen, F Chen, Z Lin
Clinical Infectious Diseases 71 (15), 882-883, 2020
Quantifying the RNA cap epitranscriptome reveals novel caps in cellular and viral RNA
J Wang, BLA Chew, Y Lai, H Dong, L Xu, S Balamkundu, WM Cai, L Cui, ...
Nucleic acids research, gkz751, 2019
The sequenced angiosperm genomes and genome databases
F Chen, W Dong, J Zhang, X Guo, J Chen, Z Wang, Z Lin, H Tang, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 418, 2018
Genome sequences of horticultural plants: past, present, and future
F Chen, Y Song, X Li, J Chen, L Mo, X Zhang, Z Lin, L Zhang
Horticulture research 6, 2019
The origins and early evolution of DNA mismatch repair genes—multiple horizontal gene transfers and co-evolution
Z Lin, M Nei, H Ma
Nucleic acids research 35 (22), 7591-7603, 2007
The AtRAD51C Gene Is Required for Normal Meiotic Chromosome Synapsis and Double-Stranded Break Repair in Arabidopsis
W Li, X Yang, Z Lin, L Timofejeva, R Xiao, CA Makaroff, H Ma
Plant physiology 138 (2), 965-976, 2005
Expansion of hexose transporter genes was associated with the evolution of aerobic fermentation in yeasts
Z Lin, WH Li
Molecular Biology and Evolution 28 (1), 131, 2011
Evolution of 5′ Untranslated Region Length and Gene Expression Reprogramming in Yeasts
Z Lin, WH Li
Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (1), 81-89, 2011
Pervasive and dynamic transcription initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Z Lu, Z Lin
Genome Research 29 (7), 1198-1210, 2019
The spatial distribution of cis regulatory elements in yeast promoters and its implications for transcriptional regulation
Z Lin, WS Wu, H Liang, Y Woo, WH Li
BMC genomics 11, 1-11, 2010
Effects of nitrogen metabolism on growth and aflatoxin biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus
B Wang, X Han, Y Bai, Z Lin, M Qiu, X Nie, S Wang, F Zhang, Z Zhuang, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 324, 691-700, 2017
Origin and mechanism of crassulacean acid metabolism in orchids as implied by comparative transcriptomics and genomics of the carbon fixation pathway
S Zhang, L., Chen, F., Zhang, GQ., Zhang, YQ., Niu, ...
The Plant Journal, 175-185, 2016
Genomic variations of COVID-19 suggest multiple outbreak sources of transmission
L Zhang, JR Yang, Z Zhang, Z Lin
MedRxiv, 2020.02. 25.20027953, 2020
Genomic Evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under Chinese Rice Wine Fermentation
Y Li, W Zhang, D Zheng, Z Zhou, W Yu, L Zhang, L Feng, X Liang, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 6 (9), 2516-2526, 2014
YeasTSS: an integrative web database of yeast transcription start sites
J McMillan, Z Lu, JS Rodriguez, TH Ahn, Z Lin
Database, baz048, 2019
The origin and evolution of a distinct mechanism of transcription initiation in yeasts
Z Lu, Z Lin
Genome Research 31 (1), 51-63, 2021
Phylogenetic detection of numerous gene duplications shared by animals, fungi and plants
X Zhou, Z Lin, H Ma
Genome Biology 11, 1-13, 2010
Detecting positive selection in the budding yeast genome
YD Li, H Liang, Z Gu, Z Lin, W Guan, L Zhou, YQ Li, WH Li
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (12), 2430-2437, 2009
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