John R. Reddon
John R. Reddon
Department of Psychology, University of Alberta
確認したメール アドレス: ualberta.ca - ホームページ
Normative data stratified by age and sex for 12 neuropsychological tests
LT Yeudall, D Fromm, JR Reddon, WO Stefanyk
Journal of Clinical Psychology 42 (6), 918-946, 1986
The measurement of intimacy in marriage: The Waring Intimacy Questionnaire
EM Waring, JR Reddon
Journal of clinical psychology 39 (1), 53-57, 1983
A perspective on developments in assessing psychopathology: A critical review of the MMPI and MMPI-2.
E Helmes, JR Reddon
Psychological Bulletin 113 (3), 453, 1993
A coffee can, factor analysis, and prediction of antisocial behavior: The structure of criminal risk
DG Kroner, JF Mills, JR Reddon
International journal of law and psychiatry 28 (4), 360-374, 2005
Meta‐analysis of personality‐job performance relations: A reply to Ones, Mount, Barrick, and Hunter (1994)
RR Tett, DN Jackson, M Rothstein, JR Reddon
Personnel Psychology 47 (1), 157-172, 1994
Meta-analysis of bidirectional relations in personality-job performance research
RP Tett, DN Jackson, M Rothstein, JR Reddon
Human Performance 12 (1), 1-29, 1999
Normative data for the Halstead‐Reitan neuropsychological tests stratified by age and sex
LT Yeudall, JR Reddon, DM Gill, WO Stefanyk
Journal of clinical psychology 43 (3), 346-367, 1987
Accentuate the positive to mitigate the negative: Mother psychological coping resources and family adjustment in childhood disability
B Trute, KM Benzies, C Worthington, JR Reddon, M Moore
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 35 (1), 36-43, 2010
Basic Personality Inventory
DN Jackson, E Helmes, H Hoffmann, RRHP Jaffe, JR Reddon, WC Smiley, ...
Sigma Assessment Systems, Incorporated, 1996
Purdue Pegboard: test-retest estimates
JR Reddon, DM Gill, SE Gauk, MD Maerz
Perceptual and motor skills 66 (2), 503-506, 1988
Living in history: How war, terrorism, and natural disaster affect the organization of autobiographical memory
NR Brown, PJ Lee, M Krslak, FG Conrad, T GB Hansen, J Havelka, ...
Psychological Science 20 (4), 399-405, 2009
An evaluation of the Psychache Scale on an offender population
JF Mills, K Green, JR Reddon
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 35 (5), 570-580, 2005
Sadism and other paraphilias in normal controls and aggressive and nonaggressive sex offenders
O Fedora, JR Reddon, JW Morrison, SK Fedora, H Pascoe, LT Yeudall
Archives of Sexual Behavior 21, 1-15, 1992
Testosterone, sexual offense recidivism, and treatment effect among adult male sex offenders
LH Studer, AS Aylwin, JR Reddon
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 17, 171-181, 2005
Serum testosterone in violent and nonviolent young offenders
JH Brooks, JR Reddon
Journal of clinical psychology 52 (4), 475-483, 1996
The Anger Expression Scale and State-Trait Anger Scale: Stability, reliability, and factor structure in an inmate sample
DG Kroner, JR Reddon
Criminal Justice and Behavior 19 (4), 397-408, 1992
A confirmatory evaluation of the Profile of Mood States: Convergent and discriminant item validity
JR Reddon, R Marceau, RR Holden
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 7 (3), 243-259, 1985
Hand dynamometer: effects of trials and sessions
JR Reddon, WO Stefanyk, DM Gill, C Renney
Perceptual and motor skills 61 (3_suppl), 1195-1198, 1985
Rethinking risk assessment for incest offenders
LH Studer, SR Clelland, AS Aylwin, JR Reddon, A Monro
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 23 (1), 15-22, 2000
Finger tapping: Effects of trials and sessions
DM Gill, JR Reddon, WO Stefanyk, HS Hans
Perceptual and Motor Skills 62 (2), 675-678, 1986
論文 1–20