Tessa Pollard
Tessa Pollard
Professor of Anthropology of Health, Durham University
確認したメール アドレス: durham.ac.uk
Development of a measure of the motives underlying the selection of food: the food choice questionnaire
A Steptoe, TM Pollard, J Wardle
Appetite 25 (3), 267-284, 1995
Stress, social support and health-related behavior: a study of smoking, alcohol consumption and physical exercise
A Steptoe, J Wardle, TM Pollard, L Canaan, GJ Davies
Journal of psychosomatic research 41 (2), 171-180, 1996
Motives underlying healthy eating: using the Food Choice Questionnaire to explain variation in dietary intake
TM Pollard, A Steptoe, J Wardle
Journal of biosocial science 30 (2), 165-179, 1998
Changes in mental well-being, blood pressure and total cholesterol levels during workplace reorganization: the impact of uncertainty
TM Pollard
Work & stress 15 (1), 14-28, 2001
Validity of age at menarche self-reported in adulthood
R Cooper, M Blell, R Hardy, S Black, TM Pollard, MEJ Wadsworth, ...
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 60 (11), 993-997, 2006
Gender differences in walking (for leisure, transport and in total) across adult life: a systematic review
TM Pollard, JM Wagnild
BMC public health 17, 1-11, 2017
Effects of academic examination stress on eating behavior and blood lipid levels
TM Pollard, A Steptoe, L Canaan, GJ Davies, J Wardle
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2, 299-320, 1995
Use of cortisol as a stress marker: Practical and theoretical problems
TM Pollard
American Journal of Human Biology 7 (2), 265-274, 1995
Predictors of age at menarche in the Newcastle Thousand Families Study
M Blell, TM Pollard, MS Pearce
Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (4), 563-575, 2008
Western diseases: an evolutionary perspective.
TM Pollard
Sex, gender and health
TM Pollard, SB Hyatt
Cambridge University Press, 1999
Epinephrine and cortisol responses to work: a test of the models of Frankenhaeuser and Karasek
TM Pollard, G Ungpakorn, GA Harrison, KR Parkes, TM Pollard
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 18, 229-237, 1996
Social prescribing and classed inequality: A journey of upward health mobility?
K Gibson, TM Pollard, S Moffatt
Social science & medicine 280, 114037, 2021
Physiological consequences of everyday psychosocial stress.
TM Pollard
Collegium antropologicum 21 (1), 17-28, 1997
Group walking as a “lifeline”: Understanding the place of outdoor walking groups in women's lives
S Morris, C Guell, TM Pollard
Social Science & Medicine 238, 112489, 2019
Social networks and coronary heart disease risk factors in South Asians and Europeans in the UK
TM Pollard, LE Carlin, R Bhopal, N Unwin, M White, C Fischbacher
Ethnicity & health 8 (3), 263-275, 2003
Social prescribing during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of service providers’ and clients’ experiences
SL Morris, K Gibson, JM Wildman, B Griffith, S Moffatt, TM Pollard
BMC Health Services Research 22 (1), 258, 2022
Work and hormonal variation in subsistence and industrial contexts
C Panter-Brick, TM Pollard
Hormones, health, and behavior, 139-183, 1999
Geographic distributions of within-population variability in blood pressure
TM Pollard, G Brush, GA Harrison
Human Biology, 643-661, 1991
Associations of sedentary time and self-reported television time during pregnancy with incident gestational diabetes and plasma glucose levels in women at risk of gestational …
JM Wagnild, K Hinshaw, TM Pollard
BMC Public Health 19, 1-8, 2019
論文 1–20