Hai Le-The
Hai Le-The
Surface Science Specialist @ASML
確認したメール アドレス: asml.com - ホームページ
Vapor and gas bubble growth dynamics around laser-irradiated water-immersed plasmonic nanoparticles
Y Wang, M E Zaytsev, H Le-The, J C T Eijkel, H J W Zandvliet, X Zhang, ...
ACS nano 11 (2), 2045-2051, 2017
Giant and explosive plasmonic bubbles by delayed nucleation
Y Wang, M E Zaytsev, G Lajoinie, H Le-The, J C T Eijkel, A van den Berg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1-6, 2018
Multiplexed blood–brain barrier organ-on-chip
M Zakharova, MAP Do Carmo, MW Van Der Helm, MNS De Graaf, ...
Lab on a Chip 20 (17), 3132-3143, 2020
An effective passive micromixer with shifted trapezoidal blades using wide Reynolds number range
H Le-The, H Le-Thanh, T Dong, B T Quoc, N Tran-Minh, F Karlsen
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Elsevier 93, 1-11, 2015
Geometric effects on mixing performance in a novel passive micromixer with trapezoidal-zigzag channels
H Le-The, B T Quoc, H Le-Thanh, T Dong, T T Nguyen, F Karlsen
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 25 (9), 094004, 2015
Microfluidics assisted fabrication of three-tier hierarchical microparticles for constructing bioinspired surfaces
J Wang, H Le-The, Z Wang, H Li, M Jin, A van den Berg, G Zhou, ...
ACS nano, 3638-3648, 2019
Self-Propelled Detachment upon Coalescence of Surface Bubbles
P Lv, P Peñas, H Le-The, J Eijkel, A Van Den Berg, X Zhang, D Lohse
Physical review letters 127 (23), 235501, 2021
Plasmonic bubble nucleation and growth in water: effect of dissolved air
X Li, Y Wang, M E Zaytsev, G Lajoinie, H Le-The, J G Bomer, J C T Eijkel, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (38), 23586-23593, 2019
Large-scale fabrication of free-standing and sub-μm PDMS through-hole membranes
H Le-The, M P Tibbe, J Loessberg-Zahl, M P D Carmo, M W van der Helm, ...
Nanoscale 10 (16), 7711-7718, 2018
Growth and detachment of oxygen bubbles induced by gold-catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
P Lv, H Le-The, J C T Eijkel, A van den Berg, X Zhang, D Loshe
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (38), 20769–20776, 2017
Large-scale fabrication of highly ordered sub-20 nm noble metal nanoparticles on silica substrates without metallic adhesion layers
H Le-The, E Berenschot, R M Tiggelaar, N R Tas, A van den Berg, ...
Microsystems & Nanoengineering 4 (4), 1-11, 2018
Transwell‐Integrated 2 µm Thick Transparent Polydimethylsiloxane Membranes with Controlled Pore Sizes and Distribution to Model the Blood‐Brain Barrier
M Zakharova, MP Tibbe, LS Koch, H Le‐The, AM Leferink, ...
Advanced Materials Technologies 6 (12), 2100138, 2021
Plasmonic nanocrystal arrays on photonic crystals with tailored optical resonances
J Wang, H Le-The, T Karamanos, RNS Suryadharma, A van den Berg, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020
Low-cost fabrication of hollow microneedle arrays using CNC machining and UV lithography
H Le-Thanh, B T Quoc, H Le-The, V Nguyen, K Wang, F Karlsen
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 24 (5), 1583-1593, 2015
A simple and low cost micromixer for laminar blood mixing: design, optimization, and analysis
N Tran-Minh, F Karlsen, T Dong, H Le-The
Biomedical Informatics and Technology, 91-104, 2014
Shrinkage control of photoresist for large-area fabrication of sub-30 nm periodic nanocolumns
H Le-The, E Berenschot, R M Tiggelaar, N R Tas, A van den Berg, ...
Advanced Materials Technologies 2 (3), 1600238, 2017
Wafer-scale fabrication of high-quality tunable gold nanogap arrays for surface-enhanced Raman scattering
H Le-The, J J A Lozeman, M Lafuente, P Munoz, J G Bomer, H Duy-Tong, ...
Nanoscale, 1-8, 2019
Post-deposition UV-ozone treatment – an enabling technique to enhance the direct adhesion of gold thin films to oxidized silicon
H Le-The, R M Tiggelaar, E Berenschot, A van den Berg, N R Tas, ...
ACS Nano, 2019
Multilevel spherical photonic crystals with controllable structures and structure‐enhanced functionalities
J Wang, H Le‐The, L Shui, JG Bomer, M Jin, G Zhou, P Mulvaney, ...
Advanced Optical Materials, 2020
Plasmonic bubble nucleation in binary liquids
M Detert, B Zeng, Y Wang, H Le-The, HJW Zandvliet, D Lohse
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019
論文 1–20